Ben Carson: A Man of 'Firsts' For The GOP | The Odyssey Online
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Ben Carson: A Man of 'Firsts' For The GOP

How Carson is breaking the Republican mold.

Ben Carson: A  Man of 'Firsts' For The GOP

Ben Carson recently reminded everyone he’s running for president during the first GOP debate. Despite getting little airtime and giving long-winded academic answers, Carson did leave politicos everywhere with a comment that quickly went viral. He compared himself to the other candidates during his closing statement, saying: “I’m the only one to separate Siamese twins. The only one to operate on babies while they were still in their mother’s womb. The only one to take out half of a brain, although you would think if you went to Washington that someone had beat me to it…” If Carson becomes the GOP candidate, he’d personify a long list of firsts for the GOP. Here are the top four:

1. The only neurosurgeon candidate ever

We’ve all heard that Carson is a former neurosurgeon, but few realize that he retired only a few years ago. Carson retired on July 1, 2013, explaining, “I want to quit while I'm at the top of my game, and there are so many more things that could be done.”

2. The first presidential candidate to have no political experience

While many have thrown their hat into the presidential ring, few did so without any political experience to speak of. Carson isn’t the only one without a political history—he’s joined by Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina. Any of these candidates would be the first-ever candidates to think they can run the free world without any experience.

3. The only candidate to have already had a dramatized TV movie made about him

In 2009, TNT released a made-for-TV movie based on Carson’s life titled Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story. It stars Cuba Gooding Jr. as Carson and tells the story of how he was inspired by his mother to never give up. The movie was nominated for four Emmys and a Screen Actors Guild Award. This may be reason enough to vote for him.

4. The only person still referring to conjoined twins as "Siamese twins"

Carson’s choice to refer to conjoined twins as “Siamese twins” seemed odd, even in the less than politically correct debate. However, the word choice isn't out of place considering Carson’s long time fight against political correctness. In an appearance on the O’Reilly Factor, Carson claimed that political correctness is “destroying our nation.” No wonder he chose the most racist way to refer to conjoined twins.

Carson stands alone as the author/neurosurgeon/made-for-TV-movie-famous/anti-political correctness candidate, cementing his place in the varied history of GOP candidates. He’s one to watch for controversial one-liners about gay marriage and the healthcare system, but without any political experience he’s an unlikely contender for the nomination. Still, political hacks will praise Carson’s presence at the debates if only because he adds diversity to the homogeneous GOP. We can all hope Carson is invited to the rest of the debates, if only so we can further understand his surgery on “Siamese twins.”

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