Being Yourself Doesn't Seem Easy, But It Should
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Student Life

Being Yourself Doesn't Seem Easy, But It Should

"Be the same person privately, publicly, and personally."

Being Yourself Doesn't Seem Easy, But It Should

This is something we all struggle with, especially in college. We still fear the rejection of others, so we alter our behaviors and personalities to better fit the majority. But we don't want to fade into the crowd and lose our individuality...right? Ask yourself that very question when you doubt or subdue your own abilities and uniqueness just to please those around you.

If we look to children and the elderly, it is in plain sight that they are much happier with themselves and don't even think twice about who they are. Children giggle and cry and tell you how it is. They are adventurous and curious and simply want to play. If the food you cooked tastes awful, you bet they won't hold back the truth. Senior citizens are just as free-spirited. Okay, besides that one cranky old man who lives down the street. Our grandparents honestly don't care anymore to save someone from their injured ego or feelings. They will be upfront with you about things you don't want to hear. They'll tell you to get your life together when you need to wake up from your rut, or when you should leave your job because you deserve to be treated better. These are the people we need the most. They help us grow and teach us to speak our minds freely. Otherwise, why should we even talk at all?

One of the reasons us 20-somethings have such a difficult time accepting ourselves and showing our true colors is the fault of social media. We think we speak freely on Facebook or Twitter, when really, we hide behind our comments and posts. Then, when it comes to actual conversation where we're forced to be in the presence of someone face-to-face, we don't know how to function. We withhold our true feelings and present the masked version of ourselves. On Instagram, we have people spending hours of their time just trying to think of a caption to go with their staged photos. It's like living in a fake world, summed up by the insignificant opinions of others we don't even like or know.

Why I chose the quote in the sub headline is because it is a foundation of finding happiness. And where do we find this happiness you might ask? Anything we do starts with ourselves. I want to break this sentence down to reveal its impact:

Be the same person privately:

I think whoever started this saying purposely chose "privately" as first in the line-up. Privately means with the company of me, myself and I. Before you can successfully make and maintain relationships (and know when to break them off) with others, it is profoundly important to accept everything and anything about you. Remind yourself every morning that there is no one else out there who can offer what I can. I am my own person and I have the power to make change.

Be the same person publicly:

Imagine speaking to a large group of people and holding back your little quirky comments or shielding your emotions. That would be a pretty uncomfortable experience for you, and therefore, the audience will notice. Go up there and crack a joke even if it's the cheesiest pun you ever told; do it because you think it's funny. Laugh at yourself when you mess up. Or when you're in class and someone says something obviously inaccurate or prejudice, call them out on it. When everyone else chooses to be followers, stand for truth and justice even if you stand alone. Change isn't made by stagnancy; it's created by frictional thoughts and ideas and the refusal to conform.

Be the same person personally:

Choosing to befriend someone is a big leap of faith. Not only will you exchange secrets and deep conversation, you influence each other. If you can't be your complete self around a friend, you're only doing yourself harm as well as cheating your friend out of trust and honesty. I always think of the movie "27 Dresses" and how Katherine Heigl's sister denied everything she was just to win over a possible partner. These examples, though, are mirrored in everyday life, not just in the cinema. It's best to remain true to yourself from the very beginning of any relationship. A foundation built on lies will only crumble in the end.

Go out without makeup every once in a while, go to karaoke night and sing like you're Adele, cook a meal for your friends and laugh if it's the most disgusting thing ever, tell that one know-it-all kid in your class to shut his trap and stick up for that one professor when all the students are wrongly talking about them. It is so tiresome and a waste of precious moments in your life to give a flying fart in space what everyone is thinking about you. If we all dismissed the negativity of others and embraced who we are, this world would be a very different place. A better one.

Act like a care-free kid. And like a sassy grandma. Life is way too short.

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