Being a woman is tough. There are some things men will just never understand. Luckily, the women of Bob's Burgers get what we're going through. Here are 12 things most women can relate to from Bob's burgers.
1. Putting on mascara in the morning
Every. Freaking. Time.
2. Looking in the mirror after watching a "how to contour" tutorial
Seriously, how can blending be so difficult?! If drag queens can do it, so can you!
3. Getting dressed
This is much more accurate than the old "putting your pants on one leg at a time" bit.
4. Getting your nails done
I feel so fancy, but how do I work with these things on?
5. Flirting
Guys aren't the only ones who can use cheesy pickup lines.
6. Justifying alcohol intake
This is drunk logic at it's finest.
7. Making an entrance
Some of us aren't the most graceful.
8. Giving out a phone number at the bar
You'll be lucky if it's legible.
9. Watching Sports
This is the only way you're getting me to go to a baseball game.
10. Listening to someone else's sob story
*Listens to problems relunctantly*
11. Week of menstruation
We've all been here.
12. Dieting
"It's just one piece."
If you haven't already watched this gem of a show, catch up on Netflix. Season 5 is now available!