Here are seven things that you should think about before you go through with them, based on my own experiences and those of my friends. We may be young, but we are quickly learning from the mistakes we've made with our new freedoms.
1. Cutting your hair short
Over Christmas break, I thought it would be a good idea to cut my hair because I’d been getting annoyed with the mass of hair I had. it went from brushing my waist, to my shoulders. And fresh out of the salon it looked great, but upon my first washing, it shrunk up and my face never looked rounder. My hair is growing out again but I look horrid in a majority of my January-April pictures.
Some people look great with bangs. I am not one of those people, which I found out the hard way. After months of pinning my hair out of the way, it finally reached the length of normal hair. Make sure you have the facial structure before you cut, trust me.
3. Marriage.
I am not married, nor do I have plans to get married in the next few years. Many of my peers do not share this thought. Especially my friends who are getting married while they still rely on their parents for everything. Some of them haven’t even been together for more than 6 months. I barely know who I am, I don’t know how anyone could possibly get married and attempt to spend the rest of their life with someone when they don’t even know who they are yet.
4. Tattoos.
Tattoos can be cool. They can be bad. But they are permanent. Sure, you can get them removed, but a remnant of them always remains. Add in that tattoo removal is expensive and excruciating, it's better to wait.
5. College.
I have so many friends who went to school and hated it. They didn’t research their schools enough, they didn’t put full consideration into their majors, or worst of the worst, chose their school on significant others. Don’t make your choice on anyone else, work it out between you and your parents, don’t just go for the school that you grew up liking or the first one you get into.
6. Getting a new job.
When I was 16, I got a job working at the local grocery store. I applied as a checkout person, but instead they made me a bagger. I hated it so much, and if I had talked to people before working there or applied at more than two places, I would have been much better off. Now I have to avoid awkward eye contact and small talk with my old coworkers every time I go to buy some Ben & Jerry's.
7. Online shopping.
Before you buy that amazing top off of Pinterest, make sure it’s a real source. There are a number of sites that take your money and give you nothing. Research any and all sites before you buy.
This article isn’t to say you need to stop doing things, or that if you’ve gotten a tattoo of your fiancé’s name you’ve made a big mistake. It's just a reminder to think before you act and not to go wild on newfound freedoms.