13. Essence Shine Shine Shine Lipgloss | The Odyssey Online
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15 Beauty Products You Need

Recommendations from a broke college gal.

15 Beauty Products You Need

I really like makeup- no shocker here.

However, I am also in college which is basically just a nicer way to say "broke." With all the ramen noodles and Lysol wipes, there leaves very little left for investing in my face. I would like to thank my favorite YouTuber Tati Westbrook for showing me how to live glamorously while on a budget. I have quickly caught on throughout my years working with makeup what is worth the splurge and what works better at Walmart.

Here is everything I recommend:

1. Milani Primer

Milani Primelight: Just glow with it. This primer does not leave you looking shiny, but it leaves you looking alive and well.

Milani Primeshield: It is matte without looking flat. It helps prevent the disco ball grease but doesn't dry you out.

​2. Wet n' Wild Photo Focus:

Casey Holmes recommended this, and my life changed. I stopped wearing my $60 foundation, and instead bought 6 shades of this. It is full coverage, but not cakey. It is matte, but not drying or flat. It has a glow without the grease. It last well, it looks amazing in pictures, it looks natural and feels real. I can't even start to say more.

3. Maybelline Super Stay Full Coverage Foundation

This is the most full coverage foundation from the drug store. It covers every pore, every line, every blemish, every dark circle, and any imperfection you could ever have in your life. Makeup lays atop it well. It lasts forever. It is very matte. It is truly one of my favorite products of all time.

4. Garnier Skin Renew Miracle Skin Perfector BB Cream

This is for my natural girls and my lazy makeup divas. This is the easiest to apply. It is nourishing to the skin. It gives the most effortless look. It is a medium coverage, but one of the fuller of BB creams I've used. However, it doesn't lay heavy on the skin. It can be worn with a full face of makeup or by itself. Perfect for natural summer makeup or moisturizing just a little extra in the winter.

5. Tarte Shape Tape Concealer

I don't even need to comment on this gem. It covers dark circles like nothing else in this world. It lasts through anything. It does not crease. It is full coverage like nothing else. I will pay for this until they discontinue.

6. Kat Von D Shade and Light Face Contour

This is a splurge item. However, I have had the same pallet for years. It has deep pans, cool toned ashy shades that provide the perfect shadows. The highlight shades brighten up the under eyes. The powders are silky and smooth. They blend quickly and easily. It makes makeup easy.

7. Physican's Formula Butter Bronzer

This bronzer is the perfect mix of cool shadows and warmth. It helps to contour the face while brightening it up and bringing a subtle glow to it. It is one of the most natural shades of bronzer while doing the best job. It has a glow but doesn't have the glitter. It is cool toned but doesn't look ashy. It is a miracle. PLUS: it smells like summer time.

8. Milani Baked Blush

These bring the perfect glow and warmth. They blend out with bronzers like no one's business, and the shade Luminoso is life changing. It is natural, but significant. It was glowy, but not shiny. It gives warmth, but doesn't overpower. These are the perfect shades and perfect formulas.

9. ABH Dip Brow

This will probably last you through 2 graduations, a wedding, and 3 kids. Not really, but this pot of gold is one of the longest lasting products I own. It is worth the splurge, because you'll probably never have to buy another. It outlines, shapes, defines, and fills in brows so perfectly and easily.

10. Maybelline Fit Me Powder

This comes in so many shades. It has no flashback. It sets everything smoothly without settling into fine lines. It is matte. It is amazing.

11. Violet Voss x Laura Lee

These shadows can go from every day to a wild night, but all are equally wearable. This pallet works so nicely together to bring a combination of natural and dramatic looks while using the exact same colors. It has large pans, and a rich and creamy formula. The shimmers are buttery and pack on like a dream.

12. Duo Lash Glue

I'm sorry, but if you're gluing fake eyelashes to your face, duo is the only way to go. It prevents lashes from lifting up even by the end of the day through all types of weather. The white tube is my favorite. The smell is funky as always, but this one is a keeper.

13. Essence Shine Shine Shine Lipgloss

Ohhhhhh honeyyyy!!!!!! This one is a staple. It is glossy, but not sticky. It shines and layers like no one's business. It comes in a variety of shades and finishes. These lipglosses are the best $3 can get you.

14. Milani Statement Lipsticks

There are more shades than you could dream of. They range in undertones, finishes, boldness, etc. They are the most wearable and day to day lipsticks ever. They stay on, they look amazing, they have an incredible sheen. They don't dry your lips out, but they are still matte. Buy 10. Like right now.

15. Mica Highlighter #3

This one's a secret. I received this through ipsy. This is my favorite highlighter ever. It is light enough for my skin tone while still having gold champagne style tones. It is beautiful. It glows like no other. It is natural while blinding. It is the perfect shade all around. This loose pigment on a brush with setting spray is a game changer.

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