5. Kiehls Calendula & Aloe Soothing Hydration Masque | The Odyssey Online
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6 Beauty Products That Beat the Heat

When the sun comes out, these products go to work.

6 Beauty Products That Beat the Heat
Beata Dudova

Once I thought I finally had my go-to makeup routine down, summer came to town and threw a wrench in my plans. Living at the Jersey Shore, my days are filled with the beach, humidity, and lots of sunblock. It took some time, but I reformulated my regimen to withstand any conditions that summertime can throw at me. Here are my picks.

1. Clinique High Impact Mascara

Brigid Garrett

This is my go to year round, but in the summer it is one of the only products that can withstand the weather. It is totally flake free and stays in place like a waterproof mascara, lasting through sweat, and sunblock. But at the end of the day it'll melt away with soap and water, so you can spend less time fumbling with makeup remover, and more time in the sun!

2. Bare Minerals Original Foundation

Brigid Garrett

This foundation feels like nothing on the skin, but provides just enough coverage for a day at the beach. For more coverage, layer on more coats using a fluffy powder brush. An added bonus to this product it also has SPF 15!

3. Benefit Sunbeam Highlighter

Brigid Garrett

This product is great for that fresh off the beach glow. This liquid formula is super easy to apply and looks great with a tan. Sometimes I like to go out bare faced with just this on my cheeks and nose for a natural look.

4. YSL Creme De Blush

Brigid Garrett

The creamy formula of this blush melts into the skin, providing a healthy flush, and will last through a long day at the pool. It also doubles as a lip color, saving space in your beach bag.

5. Kiehls Calendula & Aloe Soothing Hydration Masque

Brigid Garrett

After too much time in the sun, this hydrating face mask will soothe and refresh the skin. The jelly-like formula sucks heat out of the skin and smells great too!

6. Nude Stix Magnetic Eye Color

Brigid Garrett

These creamy blendable eye crayons are called magnetic for a reason. Once they are set they do not budge. At all. On top of that, the color selection is gorgeous. My favorite is the Queen Olive shade that makes any eye color pop.

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