Have you ever noticed how beautiful those small little, white twinkle lights look on the days leading up to Christmas?
What about a rose garden? The vast diversity each flower withholds, despite all being the same type? Even though they are all covered in thorns, some petals may have fallen off, or a bug may be crawling around, they are still some of the most visually pleasing objects in the world.
Think about the most beautiful sunset you have ever seen. Was it on the beach? At a park? Or perhaps it was in your very own backyard. The mixture of colors perfectly streaked across the sky, as if God painted them just like that Himself.
Twinkle lights, rose gardens, and sunsets all look nothing alike. But it's fair to argue that each of them is stunning, beautiful, and breathtaking in their own unique way.
You probably know where I'm going with this. There is obviously no single definite meaning behind the term "beauty." So why do we constantly feel the need to compare ourselves with what society has deemed as beautiful? You may not look like a Victoria's Secret model or that girl from Tumblr, but do not think for a second that means you are not just as beautiful.
Not one person is perfect. And when you think about it, isn't that kind of beautiful in itself? It would be so boring if every person looked the same. In my opinion, diversity and uniqueness is what makes something beautiful.
Finding beauty in life is not hard to do. The smallest things in life can bring absolute bliss to your eyes, and that may vary from person to person. Beauty also goes deeper than visual. Some people and even objects give off beautiful energy that often goes unappreciated. Beauty can obviously be seen. But some of the most beautiful things in life can be heard, spoken, and even felt — physically and emotionally.
Here are some (but not nearly all) of the most beautiful human beings I know. None of them look similar yet aren't they all uniquely beautiful? And to me, their diverse personalities and energy make them even more lovely.
I hope the next time you feel anything less than
beautiful, you remember this. There is no one, single form of beauty, and as cliché
as it may sound, we are all beautiful in our own way. It is sometimes difficult to appreciate that about ourselves. I know that it is so much easier said than done. But if you take just one moment each and every day to remind yourself of this fact, before you know it, you'll begin to see and appreciate your own individual beauty. After all, do you think that roses compare themselves to sunsets?