I read a quote today: "The problem with social media is that we are comparing our insecurities to everyone's highlight reel." Thoughts flowed through my mind as I tried to fathom the stupidity I once had when I was consumed by social media. Internet platforms introduced global communication and led to important advancements in awareness and technological superiority; however, we tend to use it for all the wrong reasons.
Facebook, Instagram, Yahoo, Pinterest, Vine, YouTube, Snapchat and so many more were all traps I couldn't escape until one day I woke up with one goal: to just be free. I got rid of most of my social media accounts that served the purpose of showing off and/or making me insecure about my day-to-day life and my outward appearance. Weeks later, I realized that social media was, in fact, another world that was filled with good and bad much like the real world. It was then that my mind could grasp the difference between authentic and synthetic. My life changed from fake relationships, ideas, and loves to a life of living in the moment and loving every moment. I am stronger now because I know I don't have to compare what I do, think, like, or love to anyone else. Social media can be and will be something I can use to inspire others, share love, and remind everyone that they don't have to be someone else.
Ultimately my advice is to free yourself and do not be enslaved by someone else's way of living. Use social media as an inspiration; a good laugh when you are sad, a platform for promoting positivity, to the world, and the generations to come. Keep in mind that hardly any posts display what happens behind the scenes.