In life, all girls have dated that one guy that showed us we need to move on. They act like they do not care what goes on with our life or anything else that matters to us. Even though they treat us like that, we still try to fight for that relationship. We hope that they will change eventually for us. We hope that eventually, they will want to fight that battle for us as we have been fighting for them.
We think at the time, that they are the one we will be with. Even though they do not respect us, give us affection, or anything we deserve from them. We fight this battle headstrong hoping that they will fight back. We do so much for them and they do not fight back. We try so hard to fight for something that is not even there. Sometimes we hope that they will realize that they are making a mistake and make a comeback. We always think maybe they will think twice at what they are doing and change, but it does not happen.
Sometimes I think we fight for this relationship knowing it will not change. We fight this battle and know at the end of the day we will not win this battle. We do not know when the battle will end and call it quits. We are strong headed and hope to win the losing battle.
Sometimes we think that maybe there will be a spark or a moment that will change the course of this action. Maybe if we say the right thing or do the right thing, the relationship will heal. We try to claw our way back into their life and fight for them to see what they could lose. We try harder than life for something that we will not have.
I do not understand why we fight for someone that is not fighting back for that person. That girl will give it her all and yet he will give nothing. He does not give anything in return yet she turns her cheek. She slides everything under the rug in hopes of change. She will stay positive knowing there will not be a change.
Girls most of the time, give their whole heart. They give everything they have to a boy that they think will be the one possibly. Then they meet the guy that is not all that they wanted. They try so hard to fight a battle for someone that is not fighting back for them. They think maybe if they fight hard enough things will change. They attempt at fighting for a relationship that is not even there anymore. The relationship is dead and there is not any reviving that can happen. They have hope that something will happen, but know in the back of their head nothing will. They refuse to give up a battle that should have never been fought.