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5 Jam Bands To Get Funky To

Need to add some funk to your playlist? Put these jam bands on repeat and get your groove on.

concert music dancing
Photo by Boga Rín on Unsplash

Jam/Funk has been a rising genre in the past years, with more exposure in social media, festivals, and Spotify playlists. If you haven't started to explore this genre yet, you're missing out on some feel-good tunes that will make you wish you had heard them sooner! The psychedelic vibes, jazzy instruments, swaying vocals, and even electronic beats can all come together to create the vast but unique genre of jam/funk. Don't worry if you find yourself dancing, that's the point! Check out these awesome bands below.

1. Pigeons Playing Ping Pong

Originally from Baltimore, this psychedelic band is as funky as their stage name. The four bandmates perform with the goal to get the audience moving, and put every ounce of soul and positive energy into all performances they give. They recently just dropped the dates for their 2019 North American winter tour, so give those a peek if you want to join the thousands of PPPP fans, appropriately dubbed "The Flock."

3 Must Hear Songs:

1. "F.U."
2. "Melting Lights"
3. "Fun in Funk"

2. The Floozies

These two brothers combine the grooves of funk with a fresh modern take by adding in electronic beats and drops, creating their very own "electro-funk" genre that fans of the traditional and the new will both enjoy. Paired with overlaying rap verses and steady bass, the audience may believe they are at an EDM show rather than dancing to a jam band. After dropping two new singles this year, another album looks to be in the future for this duo.

3 Must Hear Songs:

1. "Love, Sex, And Fancy Things"
2. "Stuntin'"
3. "Arithmetic"

3. STS9

Though this group formed in the late '90's, STS9, or Sound Tribe Sector 9, is still making waves in the genre of funk today. Their psychedelic music has captivated audiences now for two decades, with dazzling light shows to match. Heavy on improvisation during their live shows, there is no single set list for their tours, using the element of surprise as a way to intrigue their listeners and keep them entranced. They tour heavily in the festival circuit, making appearances at fests such as Bonnaroo, Coachella, and Lollapalooza.

3 "Must Hear" Songs

1. "World Go Round"
2. "When the Dust Settles"
3. "Scheme"

4. Rebelution

Branching out into the genre of reggae funk, the wavy tunes of Rebelution will keep audiences swaying all night long. An almost soothing like feel can be heard through lead singer Eric Rachmany's voice, and the accompany laid back reggae style creates a positive experience from start to finish of every song. After the release of their fourth album in 2016, the band got their first Grammy nomination, a sign of only good things, and good vibes, to come.

3 "Must Hear" Songs:

1. "Feeling Alright"
2. "Fade Away"
3. "Count Me In"

5. The String Cheese Incident

The oldest band of the lineup, The String Cheese Incident, has been jamming' for over 20 years. Primarily independent, they can be grouped into the jam band genre, delivering varying feels from varying instruments including acoustic guitar, violin, accordion and piano. Originating in Colorado and performing in ski resorts, the band has only grew in popularity over the years, recently performing beside big names such as Skrillex on the same stage. They have recently become known for headlining the Electric Forest Music Festival in Rothbury, Michigan, spending several nights there over the years lighting up the forest.

3 "Must Hear" Songs:

1. "Sirens"
2. "Rosie"
3. "Get Tight"

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