Why is it that so often it’s hard to know whether or not what you said was even heard? Why is it hard to maintain eye contact with someone you are engaged in conversation with? Why is there such a lack of living in the moment?
There seem to be a couple of things that get in the way of living in the present moment that lead to the lack of acknowledgement, which ultimately can feel as if you are being ignored. These two things are technology and thoughts of the past or the future.
It seems that many of us are so busy with either checking our email, texting, scrolling through our social media, or as of recently, trying to find the next Pokémon to capture, that we forget to live in the present moment. The use of cell phones has become such a habit that I find myself scrolling through my news feeds when I take time to relax or just need a mental release from work. How sad is that!
If not being distracted by my phone, I find that thoughts pertaining to something that happened yesterday or thoughts pertaining to what I need to do in the future really distract me from living in the present. As Satsuki Shibuya once said: “Living in the moment is being aware of the moment we are in. If our minds are in the past or future, we are not truly alive in the present.”
It’s important to remember and find peace with the fact that the past is the past! As hard as it is, we must try not to dwell too much on something that happened at work or something that was said. While sometimes things may be frustrating, we can only try to improve upon whatever happened the next time a similar instance occurs in the future.
Not to mention, it’s all inevitable! The older we grow, the less time we seem to have in regards to what tasks we need to complete in our everyday life. However, that is no excuse. The fact of the matter is, I will be more disappointed in myself if I neglect to acknowledge people than if I neglect to scroll through my newsfeed on Facebook or capture a Pokémon.
With all of that being said, it is important to acknowledge people. Not just because it is polite, but because it also portrays a sense of gratitude or appreciation for one’s presence. Therefore, take time acknowledging your server, your cashier, your fellow employees, your friends, your family, etc. It’s a change that will not only be beneficial for you as a person who is trying to live in the present moment, but it will also aid in showing respect and appreciation to others whom you truly appreciate.