Sometimes experiences in life shape you. Sometimes the people surrounding you shape who you become. Sometimes it is the things you never thought of that shape you the most. In my life, I can point to specific experiences that have shaped the woman I am today. I can pick out certain people who have impacted the path my life has taken. But what most people don't know is that the horses I have known throughout my life may have shaped me just as much as experiences and people.
To Slipper,
Thank you for teaching humility in defeat and graciousness in winning. With you I reached the highest of highs- the greatest of wins and memories that last a lifetime. Beyond our show career, you have been a constant presence in my life and a steady love I can always count on. It was with your help that I learned confidence and self-empowerment, things that help me every day outside of the show ring.
To Ella,
Thank you for being proof that dreams do come true and for being the fanciest thing I have ever owned. You show me the true meaning of grace and beauty everyday I get to spend a few hours in your stunning presence. It is an honor to revel in the beauty that is a fantastic and talented horse.
To Oreo,
Thank you for teaching me that miracles can happen. You were a miracle. Thank you for also teaching me that sometimes it is okay to give up and move on when things aren't working. Sticking it out is great but not when it hurts both sides. Selling you was the best decision for both of us and I am glad to have learned that it is OK to move on.
To Charlie,
Thank you for teaching me to love the sport again. It is with you that I learned to love simply showing instead of loving to win. Your constant love, cheerfulness and warm presence is a bright spot in my life that never fails to make me smile. I cannot count the ways I love my long-maned wonder pony, but I hope that all the oreos, cuddles and grass fields are a small payment for all that you do for me. You are the horse my heart and soul has always needed and for that I am forever thankful you are in my life.
To Katie, Libby, Zummy and Rosie,
Thank you for teaching me loss. I miss you all every day and though losing you was painful, it was a lesson in life I am thankful for. Being able to love you was a gift and losing you is something I have come to terms with.
To Sugar Cookie,
Thank you for being the sassiest little pony that every little girl dreams of. You taught me heaps of humiltiy along with a lot of love, loyalty and priceless memories. I grew up with you by my side; for the first 18 years of my life you were a constant presense. You stood quietly while I cried into your mane, you put up with my wild child antics, you bucked me off into the dirt, you helped me earn blue ribbons and you made me laugh and smile for 18 years. Losing you was like losing my childhood and it is a loss I feel every day. I am forever thankful for growing up with a little pony to teach my so many life lessons.
Horses are a part of my heart and soul. It is in my blood. Horses have taught me some of the greatest lessons of my life and have shaped me irrevocably. For all this and so much more, thank you to every horse that has left a hoofprint on my heart. My life is enriched by every encounter with the beauty and grace that is a horse.