Honestly, I wasn't going to try out. For some weird reason, I felt intimidated because I had never tried anything like this before. I never stepped a day in my life and felt as though I wouldn't be good enough. The only reason I went for it was because a friend said she'd go with me, I forgot the reason but she ended up not being able to go but I still took my chances. Even in that moment of auditioning I was talking down to myself. I was so out of my comfort zone and felt out of place. Then I got the little paper in my mailbox. I MADE IT!! I was so hype but didn't know what to expect. This was the first step team I had even seen. I still didn't know what I was signing myself up for but if you know me, you know I can't say "no" to a performance.
This past year has been filled with way more than I could ever expect from my first year of college and it's thanks to you guys! I know I've thanked you guys a hundred times over but, you just don't understand what this team has done for me. It's allowed me to expand my performing abilities and pushed me both mentally and physically because it's way more demanding than any other performance I had ever done. From the bonding and laughter to the late night practices and the stressful tech weeks, it was all worth it in the end. Our Step Off, Weihnachten, all the basketball games, our Michael Jackson Tribute, to "Formation" and every performance in between has made coming to Wells an exciting experience. I've become a better performer and made friends with people I didn't think I would. Prodigy is made up of a variety of people from different majors and backgrounds that I don't think I would have ever had the chance to meet otherwise. There were so many great moments with you guys and all the laughter and even some of the crying just makes the team that much stronger. Ask anyone, I represent this team HARD! Always wearing "Prodi-Swag" as a team member called it to always showing and sharing our performances online. I love this team A LOT. I didn't think I'd find something this meaningful so early on into the beginning of my college career.
Not only have you guys become friends, you've become a family to me. Many of you were there for me when I was having an off day. Many of you are still there for me now! Taking me out of practice and talking to me and making me feel comfortable enough to be real with you guys and let you know what was going on. It's such an amazing feel knowing that I have you guys as a support system. Everyone means so much to me and I can't wait to see what the rest of my time at Wells holds with you guys. Thank you for taking me in and helping me become a better person.