Dear Graduating Seniors,
Hey, how are you? Excited for the next chapter of your life? Dang, where has all the time gone? The years knowing you have flown by so quickly. Whether I met you my freshman year or later on, you are very special to me. I'm so proud of all that you have done throughout your college career.
In my first year, I looked up to the sophomores. You already had a year of college under their belt, yet you weren't too old to relate to. I grew close to some of you guys, and I enjoy sharing those friendships still. They have seen me at my best and my worst, whether I was crying over a project I felt was too much or I was excited about achieving on an assignment I worked hard on.
When I became a sophomore, I still looked up to that group, but now they were juniors. Having more wisdom, I confided in many and still call some of them my best friends. We all shared struggles together, as well as classes. We laughed together, stressed together, and made it through the year together. You guys always had my back in every situation.
And finally, this school year. It was a year of lasts. Last first day of school, last exam, last practicum...I had to admit, I was very jealous that your lives were coming together while I was still struggling with my classes. You were enjoying your snow days as a student teacher, enjoying your internships, and overall looking forward to the day you finally can say you are finished with your undergraduate career. But you deserve it. All the work you have put in since you started college is finally worth it.
So cheers to the end of your senior year. Know that you are loved when you walk upon that graduation stage and pick up your diploma. Always remember to keep in touch. You all are going to do amazing things, and I want to hear all about what you do with your life. And seniors? Don't forget to be yourself, no matter what.
"Be bold, be courageous, be your best."-Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords to Bard College in 2013
Your friend,