I know you secretly hated me when I was born. No, it wasn't really a secret-we have it on camera.
Truly, you looked as if you were plotting to get rid of me. I could see it in your little eyes. I mean, I don't really blame you. You had to share mom and dad's attention now. And let's be honest here: who's cuter? A baby or a two and a half year old? Obviously a baby.
But, I bet you didn't know what was in store. I bet you had no idea that in just a few short years, we would be riding the bus to school together. I bet you had no idea that we would trick or treat together and have a competition to see who could get the most candy (I usually won. Again, who's cuter and gets more candy? A six year old or an eight and a half year old? Obviously the six year old).
You had no idea that a few years later, you would switch schools and I would miss seeing you in the hallways and telling my friends "That's my sister, Sarah! Isn't she a super cool fourth grader?" We had no clue that we wouldn't go to school together ever again. We had no idea that we would fight over every little tiny thing, even Harry Potter books and who gets to read them first.
There's some things I couldn't have guessed either. I couldn't have guessed that you would be the first one I call when I get a job, or have a crush, or just want to chat. When mom and dad visit campus, I always ask if you can come. I couldn't have guessed that I would have hated being an only child when you moved in your freshman year of college.
You know me better than I know myself. Maybe it's because we fight like cats and dogs vying for the last piece of food. Maybe it's because we've spent an abundance of time together. Maybe it's because fate forced us to be friends. Maybe it's because we overshare information. But I wouldn't want it any other way.
I couldn't have asked for a better support system. You may hate dance recitals and musicals, but you still make every effort to come to almost every show you can. And sometimes you even agree to watch a musical with me every once in a while. I bet I could even make you adore Hamilton. Maybe.
All and all, I have two words for you: thank you. Thank you for liking my Instagram posts when they haven't gotten any likes yet. Thank you for telling me if my outfit looks okay. Thank you for giving me life advice. Thank you for making me laugh and always being a kid with me. Thank you for understanding.
They say you can't pick your family. But I got pretty darn lucky with you.