Dear Reader,
I want you to know a few things. Things may get tough somewhere along the line and that’s okay. Life has its ups and downs--that’s why it’s life. I want you to know that there will be good days and bad days. Things get hard, then suddenly they’re altogether far too easy. Believe me, things will get better even if you don’t think they will. You’re stronger than you think, I promise.
Sometimes you may feel overwhelmed. I’m sorry to tell you, but even though things get quieter, they never really go away. There will always be stress, but it will get easier with time. You’re doing just fine, alright? You’re taking the first few steps on to the rest of your life. Oh, a little note, grades really do matter. Seriously, I never thought they did, but I got rejected from schools I wanted to go to because my grades weren’t good enough. Besides, it feels amazing to have good grades, like you’ve succeeded. The feeling you get is worth all of the stress.
A word on friends, because I know you’ll need to hear it. You are going to grow up and you may lose friends, but you will make new ones. You'll never stop caring about the old ones either. When this happens once or twice, it will hurt so badly that you won’t know what to do. I want you to know that you won’t think about them as much eventually. The mistakes you make will be forgotten in time and even if they aren’t, they only make you wiser. I know, it sounds like the things you hear all the time. Here’s a secret, they’re true.
Let’s talk about growing up, since I mentioned it. You need to know that you won’t end up where you planned, but it turns out okay. You will not regret continuing to live the life you build around you because someday, you will be able to wake up and see that things have happened that aren’t good, but they’ve only made you stronger. As long as you don’t let things keep you down, you can keep going. You’re stronger than you could ever believe and it’s important that you keep that in mind.
Things are going to be hard and you’re going to want to cry. You might feel alone and like you aren’t worth anything, but you are. I promise, you really are. High school is hard, but college is amazing. You’ve heard that it’s the darkest before the light and I want you to know that in that metaphor, high school would be the darkness just before the light that college brings.
Things are different and they’re downright terrifying, but the fear is worth the amazing things that will come- and yes, I promise that amazing things will come. Keep holding on, the sun’s about to rise and you’ll be amazed at the things to come.
Love Always,