Bethlehem is a flourishing city with many diverse individuals who populate the city. There so many ways to get involved, that you can not help but to fall in love with the city.
1. Historic Downtown
We proudly preserve 20 historic sites within our museums or just individually. These beautiful buildings were in 1741 at the union of the Monocacy Creek and Lehigh River were the first Moravians, members of a Protestant denomination began building their community on a 500 acre tract.
First Friday is a monthly celebration of arts and culture on Bethlehem’s SouthSide, there are a number of restaurants and boutiques downtown to checkout. Visitors and residents are welcomed to tour the unique shops and galleries while enjoying art, music and refreshment
2. Your Friends
If you are away at college, you are still friends with a decent number of people from high school or if you are in high school, you met friends that a you know you will stay in touch with throughout college. These are the people you have grown up with all your life and will continue to do so.
3. The Steel Stacks
SteelStacks is a 10-acre campus dedicated to arts, culture, family events, community celebrations, education and fun. It was once upon a time the home plant of Bethlehem Steel, but this site has been reborn again through art and music. The Steel Stacks offers more than 1,000 concerts and eight different festivals annually.
4. Always Something To Do (Especially If You Are 21)
First Fridays, festivals, concerts, eateries, shopping, art classes, you name it. There are many events being held throughout the town, all you have to do is get involved.
5. Music Fest
A week long music festival annually held in the month of August on Main Street, the center of downtown.The roads are blocked off for the week long festivities. Tents are set up to sell tasteful food, unique clothing, and of course diverse music.
6. Culturally Diverse
Ethnically speaking there are many people from all over that come to settle in to Bethlehem’s flourishing city. There are many opportunities to get ahead and to live comfortably.
7. Economic And Business
Not only is it a city to live in but it is a city of thriving business. "The Business Journals organization ranked Bethlehem, PA as the 58th best place for young adults to live in their 2013 list of the Top 100. As many know, a good place for young adults to live means that the community is thriving and growing with new job opportunities and contemporary commerce. You can see their list here.
8. Social Life
As said before, there is always something to do and everyone, for the most part, knows everyone. The community as a whole comes together to partner with other corporations to make sure Bethlehem is economically and socially developing as one.
9. Not Too Big Or Small
Bethlehem is bigger than many cities in Pennsylvania but at the same time is a smaller than many as well. This city is perfect to settle in, it size is a happy medium.
10. Remarkable Pride
No matter where anyone is we take pride in our hometown. Any chance we get to represent or talk about how amazing our city is we sure take it. We brag like no other city does and that what makes us so unique.