Aminé - SHINE (Audio) | The Odyssey Online
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Arts Entertainment

An Underappreciated Artist: Aminé

A review of Aminé's Tour 2017 :Good For You Tour 2017

@Anime on Instagram

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Last year I went to a bunch of concerts all spread along the year. One of the concerts I went to was Aminé on his Good For You Tour. I anticipated his album release date July 28, 2017. This album was so amazing so getting the opportunity to see him live in concert was the most amazing thing.

Aminé performed at the TLA ( Theater of Living Arts) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania located on South Street. I have been to a few different venues, and it was my second time at this venue years previous with one of my friends from Jersey to see Tori Kelly. The venue is very small and intimate and gives the audience the up close up slightly elevated display and a healthy distance for performers.

Aminé overall gives you a different taste with his music and his use of healthy masculinity. I think a lot of current and up and coming artists of all types should take a note from his book.

On his latest album ONEPOINTFIVE he takes a deeper approach in his intro and the timing of that album couldn't have been more perfect. It came out August 15, 2018 and it was almost the end of summer. I recommend everyone if you are into all types of styles of artists to listen to his music and experience true art through your ears.

Aminé - Turf (Stripped) (Vevo LIFT)

Turf is one of my favorite songs to this day. It truly gives me the back in my hometown feeling.

Aminé: NPR Music Tiny Desk

"If You Ain't Black, Don't Say It"

10 Things Aminé Can't Live Without |

Amine Live Tour For YOU- TLA 


Aminé - DR. WHOEVER (Audio)


Aminé - REEL IT IN

Reel It In (Official Video) “Reel It In” featured on the EPLPMIXTAPEALBUM ONEPOINTFIVE: Connect with Aminé: http://clubba...


REDMERCEDES (Official Video) Songs taken from the album Good For You Available here: Connect with Aminé: http://clubbanana....

Aminé - Caroline

Music video for Caroline performed by Aminé. Listen Now: Download Here: Connect with Amin...

Heebiejeebies (Bonus)

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group North America Heebiejeebies (Bonus) · Aminé · Kehlani Good For You ℗ ℗ 2017 CLBN LLC Released on: 2017-07-28 Pro...

Aminé - Campfire ft. Injury Reserve

Campfire ft. Injury Reserve (Official Video) Song Available Here: Connect with Aminé: https://twitter.c...

Aminé - Spice Girl

Spice Girl (Official Video) Song taken from the album Good For You Available Here: Best of Amine: Sub...

Aminé - SHINE (Audio)


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