A History Of American Presidents
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A History Of American Presidents

Short recaps of the first sixteen.

A History Of American Presidents

With President Trump changing the way a president is viewed, let's look back and remember some past Presidents.

1. George Washington

The Father of our country. He is also possibly the best leader anyone could ask for. You know the revolutionary stories, he's the best. He served two honorable terms. He understood that power thirsty people could not hold office; he set the precedent two terms. He was all about freedom. USA.

2. John Adams

Was only elected because he was Vice President to Washington (who we love so dearly. We can't even breathe in his absence; but he would have wanted this). However because of his terrible decisions on public affairs (XYZ affair/The Jay Treaty), he lost the presidency and his re-election campaigned failed.

3. Thomas Jefferson

He hated Adams so much that he created political parties. He wrote the Constitution (so props for him) so I guess he could interpret it the best?! He expanded the nation with the Louisiana purchase but lost public support after the Judiciary Act of 1801. Both could have potentially impeached him - point is even someone with a bright start can turn out to be shady. He wasn't that bad of a guy. Fun fact; under his presidency in 1800 the United States capital transferred from Philadelphia to Washington DC.

4. James Madison

He was the President that transferred most of the leadership role to congress. *cough* CLAY*cough*. The war of 1812 was fought under his presidency. And the most remarkable thing we got out of it was Stonewall Jackson in 1915.

5. James Monroe

8 years of nothing happening .sorry not sorry. Just kidding - He's the reason why Americans are as powerful as we are. From the start, the Monroe Doctrine made the USA the dominant western influence. Like who did we think we were? And where in the constitution did it say we had power over what happens in this hemisphere? Atleast we were being taken seriously by other countries.

6. John Quincy Adams

He was the first one to manipulate an election in order for him to win. He was referred to as King Caucus. Sadly, his reelection campaign also failed.

7. Andrew Jackson

It's hard to look passed the TRAILS OF TEARS, but once you do, you find a true Nicholas Sparks' love story. First, he was known as the toughest guy around, but he had a sweet spot, his wife Rachel. But rumors spread around her quick in DC and she died. He never married again.

8. Martin Van Buren

The economy collapsed during his presidency. Basically he raised tariffs trying to protect American agricultural goods-but it failed. ( he had good intentions, but it ended up making everything worse.)

9. William Henry Harrison

He was the first to actually run a campaign. And by campaign I mean getting a lot of people drunk across the country and making sure they knew his name on Election Day. His campaign songs were so catchy that people couldn't help but support him.

10. John Tyler

Harrison couldn't hang and was the first president to die in office. Before there could be any panic or a thought of a re-election (note Harrison was only in office for a month), Tyler got a judge to swear him in as president. Woohoo.

11. James K. Polk

He was president during the Mexican-American War. And thanks to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed in 1848, we now have the southern west part of the USA. Go Polk.

12. Zachary Taylor

A Whig president. He died after complaining about stomach pains in office. Mostly likely from the cholera epidemic in 1850. His years in office are filled with duck tape solution trying to avoid the civil war.

13. Millard Fillmore

OF COURSE, our president died right when the Compromise of 1850 had to be signed. Luckily, Fillmore was able to sign it into law and most importantly declared California a free state. This was very important because now there was a huge patch of land that was now free. (Plus not to mention the 1849 Gold Rush.)

14. Franklin Pierce

I'm sorry, who are you again?

15. James Buchanan

Possibly the worse president to ever exist. He could have done ANYTHING to prevent the civil war... But he didn't. SMH.

16. Abraham Lincoln

Pretty much the best president ever. He won office without southern support–there were even ballots without his name on it AND he still won the election. Honest Abe changed slavery from an economic issue to a moral issue. His legacy still inspires leaders and still pushes for equality among people.

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