As the race to the presidency nears the beginning of the end, America seems to be more divided than ever before. Many assume this country is well beyond shrinking under the pressure of issues formed by shallow minds. However, if you pay even the slightest attention to what is going on in this country, you know that is very far from reality.
The question more people need to focus on is why, in the melting pot of the world, we have found ourselves, once again, at war with each other. What caused this division, and how can We The People fix it?
Overall, one of the biggest influences fueling this bloodthirsty society is the media's unending passion for drama and division. Heartwarming stories are seemingly impossible to come by as brutal narratives of political battles consume primetime television.
Unfortunately, this is simply the result of a very biased news media. Whether you turn on the television or read an online publication, every single thing seems to have a particular viewpoint. Fox is known for being extremely conservative, while CNN and MSNBC are extremely liberal. Originally, this was not what the media was created for.
The press had three roles: gatekeeper, scorekeeper and watchdog. As the gatekeeper, the media decided what stories the public would and would not get. While fulfilling their duties as scorekeeper, publications kept track of who was ahead, who was winning and who had more money. This was particularly in regards to politics. Finally, the media was responsible for being the watchdog by investigating the government or any elite group.
There was no room for biases and points of views. The media was ultimately designed to give power and knowledge to the general public. However, as technology changed, so did the mindsets behind news organizations.
Social media has called for an even quicker-paced society. People no longer have time to watch the news or read a paper, so they simply scroll through apps. Anyone can gather information, but not all of it is accurate or neutral. Facts are often skewed by partisanship. Organizations just want to gain views, clicks and money.
With all that being said, individuals often discuss how they simply ignore the media in general. Unfortunately, ignorance is not bliss and burying your head in the sand will only create a bigger problem. The best way to unite ourselves is by being aware of what is going on. We must be able to filter out the facts from fiction. Listen, watch and read articles from various sources. Hear out both sides because chances are, both are right, and both are wrong. By closing our minds to people with varying beliefs, we are adding to the mental division of the physical United States. Like Abraham Lincoln once stated, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."