Allowing Adventure In Life
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Allowing Adventure In Life

Finding Freedom in Exploration

Allowing Adventure In Life
Madeline Franke

This past weekend my family and I ventured out to Sweetwater Creek State Park for a sunny hike in celebration of my sister's graduation. We had never been there before, and it was refreshing to see a map of new, undiscovered trails and sights. We took the Red Trail and walked until we came alongside the rushing water of a wide creek. Large rocks with flat surfaces stretched across the expanse of the creek like plates. My sister and I took off our shoes and hopped from rock to rock until we found a giant one to sit down on and relax. I closed my eyes and listened to a playlist of birds, the breeze, and the surge of whitewater against the rocks. Mini waterfalls sparkled and the water felt so cool in the heat of the day. After we explored the shiny crevices and wildlife of the creek, we continued our journey back through the forest. The terrain became more strenuous, it started to rain, and we got a little lost, but we decided to embrace the change and make a fun adventure out of the rest of our hike.

Times like these bring out my inner child, surfacing feelings of young curiosity, exploration, and excitement. New experiences become fun and encourage laughter. Challenges call for creative solutions. Other's opinions and judgments seem distant, because I can find confidence and embrace my unique self in the moment. Adventure can be liberating.

The thought of adventure led me to question its role in my life. What areas in my life could use a little more adventure. Where can I allow adventure? And how? Sometimes it can be easy in this world to restrict ourselves, go through the motions, check off a list of expectations, and stick ourselves in the same boxes. But where is the vibrance, that spark of spontaneity, the growth? Adventure can come in all forms and can be added to our life in a variety of ways. It can be the little things, such as trying a new food or taking the scenic route. It can be exploring a different form of exercise or taking an interesting class. Some adventures are big and bold, like traveling to another country, writing a book, or skydiving. No matter how big or small, an adventure is an adventure, and it can bring out the best in us, showing us what we are capable of.

I think the most difficult part about adventure is facing the unknown and the challenges that may come with it. I have an adventurous spirit, but it is often repressed due to my fear of the unknown. Comfort zones and anxieties can keep us safe, but they can also inhibit us. Developing trust in myself and who I am took a while; however, step by step, from little adventure to little adventure, I came out of my shell.

One of my favorite songs is "Upside Down" by Jack Johnson. It's kind of funny because it's from "Curious George," but it holds so much meaning, inspiration, and truth. This song is about being a child and breaking barriers to become your own person. The message is that everything is changing in this world, and you should not be afraid to be curious and be yourself.

So, "who's to say what's impossible?"

How will you allow adventure in your life?

- M

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