Let's get one thing straight: I love handbags. Not only are they super helpful for carrying my valuables, but they can also be literal works of art. Who hasn't drooled over a Hermès Birkin bag or tried to budget their expenses in order to afford a Chanel Classic Flap with gold hardware? I know I have. Luckily, there are a plethora of affordable designer handbag brands that cater to people like us without sacrificing design. However, everyone always goes with either Micheal Kors, Kate Spade, or Coach. I am absolutely sick and tired of seeing people opt for these brands while completely ignoring dozens of other brands that produce beautiful (and affordable) handbags. Below, I have curated a list of affordable brands you should definitely check out.
1. Mansur Gavriel
Mansur Gavriel is an Italian brand known for its beautiful leather goods and their iconic bucket bag. Mansur Gavriel has a variety of beautiful products for every price point and wallet. I promise you'll find yourself a Mansur Gavriel fanatic after your first purchase from them.
2. Longchamp
Next up on our list is the iconic French brand known as Longchamp. Since 1948, this brand has been creating beautiful handbags that'll please any penny pincher's wallet. Longchamp reminds us that we don't need to dole out thousands in order to attain that chic Parisian style.
3. See by Chloé
Ever wanted a Chloé bag without paying the Chloé price tag? With See by Chloé, you can achieve that French boho-chic look without breaking the bank. See by Chloé produces beautiful handbags as well as super chic ready-to-wear and footwear.
4. Furla
Of course, it is the Italians who make the best hand bags. Furla has been around for 90 years now, making affordable handbags for the whole world to love. Their fun and quirky styles are the perfect addition to any bag lover's collection.
5. Polo Ralph Lauren
While Polo Ralph Lauren is known for its polo shirts and western inspired Ready-to-Wear, they also have a fabulous collection of handbags. Using only the finest materials, Mr. Lauren creates timeless pieces that'll look fabulous with any ensemble.