Spring break, the halfway point in the semester. A time for college students to unwind from the first half of the semester and brace themselves for what lies ahead. Most people go somewhere fun, exotic, or at least far away from the place that has given them an unprecedented amount of stress. Just this week, groups of my friends have ended up in Pittsburgh, New York, Boston, and the Outer Banks, to name a few. So, where did I end up? I'm back at home, in Lansdale, at home, cuddling with my dog, relaxing with one of my best friends.
In a society that craves constantly being on the go, doing something, and having a good time, it seems like I am just wasting my time, being lazy instead of going out and enjoying life. But am I? If spring break is a time to rejuvenate after being drained by 2 months of papers, tests, all-nighters, and the mental breakdowns that accompany low sleep, the best thing one can do is to sleep. And boy, have I slept! Sleep is a beautiful thing.
And that's the point of a break is to feel rejuvenated. If for you, that's going to the beach, tanning all day and partying the night away, then you do that. If like me, that's sleeping all morning, watching Netflix, and going to see 2 of the most anticipated movies of the year, Lego Batman and Logan, then you do that. Constantly throughout break I have felt the pressure to do something, to "go on an adventure", and by not doing so, I have felt less then my peers for not being as active as some of them. And you know what? I've come to the realization that that is an okay thing. To know that they are having fun in their adventures, and I'm having fun watching movies and cuddling my dog, that's ok.