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5 Reasons To Adopt A Black Cat

Don't listen to superstition, get a black kitten!

5 Reasons To Adopt A Black Cat

Imagine you decided to get a cat and you go to your local shelter to find your next furry friend. You look at all the cats, all different shapes, sizes, ages, and colors. You are drawn to the charming calicoes and the handsome tabbies, but you notice how many black cats are in kennels. Their yellow and green eyes staring into your soul as they beg for a home. You have heard things about black cats all your life, but here are 5 reasons why you should get that black cat:

They're are not bad luck.

My 2-year-old Achilles

Achillesthebean Insta

Around 13% of Americans still believe that if a black cat crosses your path, you will be cursed with bad luck. Despite the lack of proof, people still refuse to adopt black cats. They are not unlucky; if anything, my black cat was one of the luckiest things to happen to me. They will be the luckiest thing to happen to you, too.

They are love-bugs, just like any other cat.

There is an assumption that all cats are standoff-ish and will hiss and scratch at any opportunity, but don't let this assumption deter you. Of the black cats I have met, they have all been the sweetest and most loving cats I have met. My Achilles, when he's not play-biting and being a turd, is the cuddliest baby and I melt every time he curls up in my lap or rubs against me.

They are photogenic.

The most likely type of cat to be adopted are white cats. They are gorgeous often with vibrant eyes that light up the room. They are easy to photograph, and you only worry about them blending in with the sunlight. Black cats, however, are often thought to be difficult to photograph because of their ability to be consumed by the shadows. This is not true, if you can find that perfect lighting, you can take beautiful pictures of these elegant creatures. My cell phone's full storage proves that.

If their hair gets on everything, no big deal!

White hair shows, black hair shows less. What more is there to say?

Halloween will be the best!

My roommate's cat Mildred

Who doesn't want a cute black cat in their Halloween Instagram photos? I love taking pictures of Achilles every day of the year, but there is something amazing about taking Halloween photos and putting him into his own little costume! Although, just remember that these are still living beings and you should not just get a black cat just for Instagram. Get one just because they are beautiful and wonderful to be around.

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