Everyone has been asking me lately, "So, are you dreading going back to school? Especially because of your commute this year?!" More often than not, I say that I am not ready to go back to school and I don't want to go. I usually hate school, even though I love learning. But truthfully, I am so ready to go back to school. Last year, school was a great thing for me. I learned more last year than I did in the first 2 years I attended college. I loved what I was learning and I was happy to be in class. I am tired of being asked about school and if I'm ready, because I always tell the same lie. I am so ready to go back to school.
During the school year, I get to see a lot of people that I don't ever see during the summer. My sorority sisters are the people I see. There are a lot of people in my sorority that I talk to. Some of them I talk to everyday, but I don't see them. I have seen one of my sisters in the past 2 months and it was a casual run in, because we live in the same hometown. I won't see my sisters as much, because I am commuting, but I will still see them more than I do over the summer. They make the school year a lot better. They make the weeks better and the school work a lot easier... Especially the fact that someone will always go to the library with me and not have any issue.
There is some sort of schedule for me when school goes back. I do sometimes have events for sorority during the week, but there is some sort of schedule. I get up everyday and go to class, I have sorority events, I have homework, and then I might have a job this year. I will have a set routine and that it something that makes me feel a little better. In the summer, people usually don't have a routine. They do things in the spur of the moment or sometimes people are spontaneous. By the time the school year is over, I am ready for some of the spontaneity, but by the end of the summer, I am ready for routine. There is a time in the summer when I get to buy school supplies and a new planner and I get to start writing my schedule in and that tends to be the most refreshing time of summer.
The next time someone asks, I am going to tell the truth about school. I can't wait to go back. Going back to school is going to be so refreshing. I know by the 3rd week, I am going to be so over it, but right now, I can't wait. I can't wait to see my sisters, go through recruitment, start learning how to be a better teacher, and also getting all the new school supplies. It's back to school time, and I can't wait.