There is no black and white when it comes to the topic of abortion, there is only a grey area. Those against abortion claim that the baby has yet to live it's life and function on its own. Someone should not decide for it since it cannot make these decisions yet. On the other hand, those in favor of abortion would argue that a woman has every right over her own body and what happens to it. In some cases, this decision is left up to government laws and regulations, and, in others, a woman is capable of making her own choice. There is a thin line between inhumane and humane acts. This is the current debate striking the heart of many people in this modern day and age. There are two sides: pro-life and pro-choice.
One of the biggest issues facing America today is the controversy surrounding abortion. Abortion has been a constant debate between politicians, citizens, and religions, not only in America, but all around the world. In current politics, there are those who argue pro-choice, and others that argue pro-life. Those who argue pro-choice are generally liberal in their political views while those who argue pro-life are generally conservative in their political views. This comes into relevance due to the upcoming election, as well as the most recent planned parenthood shooting. Many politicians use things such as abortion for a political platform which then causes people to begin talking and sharing opinions. Even though abortion is legal in America, as per the Roe versus Wade court case in 1973, individual states can regulate or limit the use of abortion or make it illegal all together. This in itself is causing a massive debate among people today.
Each side is trying to make a case: life either begins at conception or it does not.
In technical terms, an abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy. This is done before the embryo then fetus lives an independent life. An abortion is not to be confused with a miscarriage or a form of birth control. A miscarriage is the natural rejection of the baby inside the body.
The topic of abortion is not something to be taken lightly, it is as if a person is playing God. Depending on where one might go to research this topic can influence a decision on which side of the argument they are one. Maybe they may even be politically pro-choice but morally pro-life. However, if a woman decides to have an abortion, there are many things to think about. It is hard to put yourself in this position to try and take a stand point without actually living through these events. Sometimes a person can be swayed one way or another based on personal experience or the experience of others. The media does not do much to help with this debate but with the technology of today it is easy to research any topic. So the question is this, what side are you on?