9 Ways To Spend A Long Weekend Solo
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Student Life

9 Ways To Spend A Long Weekend Solo

If all else fails—at least you still have Netflix.

9 Ways To Spend A Long Weekend Solo
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Type A Films

It's the Monday before a long weekend and you find yourself discussing weekend plans with your freinds over dinner. Rachel is going on a romantic beach getaway with her boyfriend.

Yuck. Susan is taking her private jet home. Jealous. Brittany is somehow manging to go skydiving and hot air ballooning all in one weekend. How?? And you, poor you, are simply staying at school.

None of your potential plans played out and that may have been a good thing because you should probably put aside a little bit of time to study for your midterms.

But what in the world will you spend the other precious hours of your life doing? I've got just the right ideas for you.

1. Go on a hike and reconnect with nature

Between the classes, clubs, sports, and finding time to sleep; it is rare to find a moment to slow down and immerse yourself in nature. Find the closest hiking trail to your campus and spend an afternoon weaving through the trees. Give yourself a moment to forget about your college bubble and expereince the outdoors.

2. Find a new spot to study off campus

When it comes time to study, because it always comes time to study, embark on a journey to find new places to study. For those of you whose campuses are isolated, this may mean walking to a unexplored side of campus and finding a new study space. If you have the ability to venture off campus, try a new cafe!

3. Sign up for an on/off campus work out class


If you are an absolute extrovert and the idea of spending a long weekend alone gives you the heebeejeebees, find a group workout class. You will get your daily dose of exercise while surrounding yourself with people!

4. Treat yo self to a shopping day

Enough said. Splurge on a new pair of pants to shake that booty in.

5. Stock up on snacks and food at the grocery store

We have all found ourselves at the vending machine at 2 a.m., deciding between Oreos and potato chips because we have run out of dorm snacks. Save future you the trouble and stop by a grocery store to restock your snack storage.

6. Send your friends care packages

Brighten up your friends day with a care package. Find their favorite snacks, print out some pictures, and write them a nice note. It only takes a few minutes and will undoubtebdly put a smile on their face.

7. Call your friends or family who you haven't spoken to in a while

Remember your cousin who lives in Utah or the grandma you haven't seen in a year? Take some time to call or FaceTime those who you don't talk to often and reconnect.

8. Have a stay-at-home dinner date

Wine and dine yourself baby. [Only wine yourself if you are above 21. Otherwise, sparkling cider yourself.] Skip the dining hall food and order your favorite meal off postmates. Then, pick your all time favorite movie and stay the night in.

9. If all else fails… you still have Netflix

If none of these options sound appealing, let's be honest, you are looking for a reason to stay in your bed and binge-watch TV. Do it. Rewatch "The Office" for the 5th time. Start a new series. Break the record for the longest you have stayed in bed. Never change out of your pajamas. Neglect to open the blinds. A lazy weekend is never something to be ashamed of.

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