As a Latin student in the US, I've come across many different things we do differently. From the way we interact with each other, to how we speak, act, dance — you name it. Let the sass begin.
1. We are loud but we embrace it.
Ever heard a group of Latinos walking around campus being quiet? Me neither. We tend to be loud. We get excited about almost everything.
2. Sometimes we don't get pop culture references.
From my personal experience, coming to the US was the first time I encountered terms like "AF, low-key, high-key, fam, squad, K
3. We don't like it when you make fun of our accent.
For most of us, Spanish is our first language. Many of us have an accent when we talk in English. Don't judge, we don't judge you for your Spanish accent.
4. The pain of translating almost all of the words is so real.
5. Trying to find that one word we don't remember is also very real.
Some of us think in Spanish, so when we are trying to remember a word we take a while —
6. Cultures clash.
Coming to the US has been an experience. From how the men treat the women and the women treat themselves, I don't judge, but it's definitely different.
7. We don't take sh*t from anyone.
8. We ask a lot of questions.
What is this? What is that? Why does this happen? WHAT IS GROUNDHOG DAY AND WHY DOES IT EXIST? Why are you dancing like that? We just don't understand sometimes.
9. So much junk food.
We aren't used to having so many junk food places. 50 different