Whether you know her from the new comic based movie Suicide Squad, her sassy performance in the Wolf of Wall Street or Will Smith’s pick pocket co-conspirator in Focus, you know that Margot Robbie has taken the world of pop culture (and America for that matter) by storm and she’s just getting started.
My Margot Robbie obsession started with the Wolf of Wall Street, as did many other people’s, I’m sure. Her beauty is one thing that caused my major girl crush but there are many other reasons why she’s everyone’s newest obsession.
1. She’s absolutely gorgeous
This isn’t the only reason Margot Robbie is making heads turn, but it’s definitely the first thing on my list. I mean, can we just talk about her cheekbones? Amazing.
2. Her style is on point
While Margot Robbie could probably wear a brown paper bag and look better than most people in an evening gown, she is a trendsetter with her fashion choices.
3. She’s sporty and fun
She’s a huge sports fan and actually plays on a hockey team in her spare time. She’s basically every guy’s dream girl.
4. She can become who ever she wants
Margot Robbie can play a seductive gold-digging bombshell or the Joker’s crazy girlfriend and some how you love every character.
5. She’s committed to her craft
Richard Suckle, the producer for Suicide Squad, said that Robbie learned and performed her own stunts for the movie--such as the one where she walked upside down while taking down a bad guy in an elevator…and she did it in heels. He said, “I had to walk up and look, and I realized, of course, there were no wires.”
6. Her accent is mesmerizing
While most people fawn over the charming Brooklyn accent she shows off in the Wolf of Wall Street, her actual tongue is Australian, which in my opinion just makes her even cooler.
7. Her fights with Leonardo DiCaprio in the Wolf of Wall Street
Her role as Naomi in the Wolf of Wall Street is something spectacular on its own, but when you add her character butting heads with Leonardo (Jordan Belfort), it was true acting gold.
8. Two Words: Harley Quinn
Her most recent role, Harley Quinn, is making everyone rethink their old girl crushes. She makes smeared and messy pink and blue makeup look good, and dazzles us with her badass take on the comic book character.
9. She tatted the cast of Suicide Squad
Robbie brought a tattoo gun on set while filming suicide squad and gave some of the cast members tattoos. She tattooed the bottom of Cara Delevingne's toe and actually misspelled the already misspelled word "skwad" spelling it "swad" on a crew members arm.