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Arts Entertainment

9 Reasons Why 'Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again' Is THE Summer Movie Of The Year

If you haven't seen it yet, get off the computer and go now. Or just go see it again.

mama mia 2

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Short version, "Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again" is a 10/10 movie and you should see it ASAP. Longer version? Well...

1. The Views of Greece


Seriously, I agree with Donna Sheridan. Who would get tired of those views?! I'd never want to leave. I mean just look at that place!

2. The Mother-Daughter Bonding Goals


Donna, at a young age and alone, endured pregnancy and raising a daughter in a new land. The two became best friends and the mother-daughter duo of our dreams.

3. Heartbreak and Flings


Young Donna experiences the ups and downs of figuring out a love life in her 20s, full of life, adventure, and heartache. Her quick friendship with Harry that turned intimate in one single night. Donna and Sam's relationship of a short period (which felt longer) ended on a terrible note as he was engaged to another woman! Finally, Donna and Bill's quick romance aboard the high seas helped Donna get over her love for Sam.

4. Lily James


OK, Lily James is amazing. If you haven't seen any of her films, go see her incredible acting skills right now. Everything about her is remarkable, from her emotional acting to her singing.

5. Cher


Cher. That's all.

6. Christine Baranski


Christine Baransk is an actual queen. Her character, Tonya, kills the screen with her wit, sass, and impeccable style. I wish I had her level of confidence. Also, if you've ever seen The Grinch, you know Martha May is a Christmas Queen.

7. The Men of Mamma Mia


A movie with Colin Firth, Pierce Bronsan, and Stellan Skarsgård — what more could you ask for.

8. It makes you want to jump off the couch, and sing and dance.


Seriously, if you aren't singing along to the music, are you even watching "Mamma Mia"?

9. Friendship Goals and Girl Power!


These three friends withstood time, age, heartbreak, and distance to still sing alongside their best friends. Nothing could break these girls apart.

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