You've made it half way through the semester already, and that should be celebrated! Your exams are done and it's back to the regular routine till finals come around.
1. Go out with your friends!
Whether that's going to a club or party, have fun and let lose! If you're not into the party scene, go shopping or have a night in with good friends.
2. Binge watch your favorite show.
Maybe you gave up Netflix while studying so you could get ahead and study for your exams. Now is the time to sit back with your favorite snack and catch up on Grey's Anatomy or whatever you're watching on tv.
3. Clean your room.
If you're like me and my roommate, while you're studying everything goes flying. Books and papers are all over your desk and floor, your comforter found it's way off the bed, and the garbage is piling up. All of that gets put to the side while studying for exams. Take some time to clean it all up for a clean slate for the rest of the semester. It can also be therapeutic to clean and organize your room.
4. Take some time outside.
It's fall and the weather is perfect! Enjoy the sunshine and crisp, fall air.
You've spent the past few weeks studying your butt off for your exams. Late nights, lots of caffeine, and no sleep can really drag you down. Bring yourself back up by getting some much needed rest.
6. Get some food.
Get a real meal and not just a granola bar or Easy Mac. Go to your dining hall or even treat yourself to a meal out.
7. Catch up on other work.
You're professors may have continued teaching, and you just haven't payed attention for any of it. Get with your friends or a tutor and get back with what's happening in class.
8. Be proud.
Be proud of yourself for the grades that you earned. You studied hard and tried your best towards all of your classes. You're doing great!
Just remember these when finals come around at the end of the semester as well!