When you tell people you go to Binghamton, they always have something to say about the infamously long and dreary winter. So when the sun finally peeks through what feels like the perpetually gray sky, there are some very palpable differences on campus.
1. Sundresses
2. People sitting outside
All along the Spine, you'll see people sitting on benches or just lying on the grass with their friends. Whether they're studying or just relaxing in the sun, it's a great way to people-watch (you are all guilty of this, don't lie) or to just catch up with friends.
3. Sports
You're bound to find a game of frisbee/football/soccer going on anywhere there's a bit of grass, or an occupied basketball or volleyball court. There's something fundamentally more authentic about playing a sport outside in the sun that will just never compare to playing it in a stuffy gym.
4. People run on the track
While I love the gym, I'm not a fan of the treadmill because I feel like a hamster running on a wheel. Warm weather means that we can actually go back to running on the track. In the winter, this is a deserted spot, but I've been surprised by the amount of people I saw on it recently.
5. Lines at Red Mango
It seems that when people feel even just a millisecond of sunlight, they're struck with an indescribable craving for something frozen. I was surprised by the immensely long line I saw last Wednesday when I reached the bottom of the Marketplace stairs. After all, nothing says spring/summer more than frozen yogurt.
6. People walk a lot slower to class
In the winter, people speed walk to class in order to spend a little time outdoors as possible. However, in spring, people walk a lot slower, stopping to say hi to friends and enjoy the weather.
7. People do not take shortcuts
This goes with the last one. In the winter, we all like to cut through the Marketplace and any other building that will bring us closer to our destinations, keeping us outside for as little as possible. It's refreshing to purposely choose to spend more time outside.
8. Nature Preserve
The Nature Preserve is arguably one of the nicest spots on campus, and once it gets warm, students flock to it. If you have yet to visit it, definitely add it to your Bing Bucket List.
The winters at Binghamton may not be the most pleasant, but they lead to a happy, much-needed spring. It's like they say: no winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. We wouldn't be so grateful for the spring if we didn't have these harsh winters. Now that it's finally over, we can all put away our winter clothes and take a minute out of our busy lives to just sit outside and enjoy life.