Whether it's your first year in college or your tenth, the beginning of the school year can be extremely hectic, stressful, busy, and... wonderful? You know what I mean... You went from casually working 30 hours a week all summer, hanging out with your friends, and actually having time to binge watch Orange is the New Black to suddenly working a maximum of 10 hours a week, hanging out with your classmates who are now your only friends because hey, school's a thing, taking up to 20 credits, and hating yourself for binge watching Orange is the New Black at 2 AM when you have two paper proposals and a quiz due the next day.
We've all been there. We've all questioned what the hell we're doing with our lives. We've all felt exceedingly alone in our struggle. The struggle is real, but so is God. When you're struggling to make ends meet- physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually- I would encourage you to remember and meditate upon the following 5 verses that will help you get through the first week of the new college year:
1. Joshua 1:9
It may seem like you're the only one going through your specific problem... And maybe you are. But God is with you wherever you go because he lives inside of you. He is there to encourage you, to uphold you, to strengthen you, and to guide you. It is okay to be afraid or discouraged at times. Remember to whom you belong to, and take comfort in knowing you're never truly alone.
2. Ephesians 2:10
Sometimes it can seem as though we're screwing everything up... And Lord, I mean everything. It's important to remember that although we make mistakes, they do not define us nor do they make us inherently bad. We are created for good works. We are created good. We are good enough. We are good.
3. Micah 6:8
Despite the struggle, we are called to act justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly with God. Reflecting on these acts as well as acting on them helps relieve stress from any source- school, friends, relationships, work. Don't believe me? Try it.
4. Philippians 4:13
You can do this.
5. Psalms 23:6
Things may seem difficult now. In fact, they probably are difficult- very difficult. This does not mean, however, that they will not get better- at least a little bit better. Goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life; goodness, and especially mercy, make it possible to not only get through the darkness but revel in the light. You are created for good things. Rest assured that the Lord your God is with you.