As a child, we were introduced to pizza, and our lives have never been the same. This delicious, go-to dinner has definitely saved our lives on multiple occasions, and here I have compiled 8 situations that I know we have all experienced at some time or another. Now, read this and then go eat some pizza!
1. When you find pizza will be provided at a mandatory meeting.
I was bitter. Now I am still bitter, but at least I have pizza now.
2. When your mom agreed to let you watch a movie and eat pizza at the same time.
This was basically the best. Sure, Mom made us eat on a towel as to not make a mess, but it's still pizza and a movie
3. When you had pizza delivered because it was just one of those days.
Thank God for pizza delivery. It has definitely saved my life on many occasions.
4. When you eat a questionable amount of pizza, but you don't care because pizza is accepted.
I don't care that I just ate a whole pizza and neither should you.
5. When you found out Jennifer Lawrence also likes pizza, so now you're basically BFFs.
Walk into the club like, "What up where's the pizza?"
6. When you almost went out to eat, but decided to get pizza instead.
There is way less effort involved in pizza.
7. When you've never had a problem that pizza couldn't solve.
Seriously. Bad day? Pizza. Get fired? Eat pizza. It's the duct tape of food.
8. When it helped you keep your priorities.
This girl definitely has her priorities straight and thanks to pizza, so do I.