The year's almost over and it'll soon be time to leave 2016 behind us. With the new year approaching here are things we should leave in 2016.
1. Phones at the Dinner Table
Take time to socialize at the dinner table. It's where some of the best conversations are started an the best stories are told. Put the phones away and communicate face to face.
2. The Mannequin Challenge
Just another one of those dance fads. We get it you know how to stand still. Don't make anymore in 2017. They all look the same now.
3. Dabbing
Just stop. You look like you're sneezing.
4. Grudges
If there's anything 2016 has taught me, it's life is short. You never know when you're going to see someone for the last time. So let it go. Forgive and forget.
5. Comparing your life on social media
Don't use social media to judge how great your life or anyone else's life is. Some of the happiest people barely use instagram and some of the saddest people have over 1,000 likes per a picture. Stop spending all your time refreshing your social media pages.
6. Snapchatting your every move
We don't care what you are doing every second of the day. If we did, we'd ask.
7. Negative Attitudes
Life's too short to view things in a negative light. Stop the complaining and seek the good in every situation. It could be a lot worse.
8. Regrets
Leave your regrets it 2016. They've all made you who you are and you wouldn't be who you are today without them. No ragrets! not even one letter!
So there you have it! Leave these things in 2016 and you'll be a lot happier in the new year! Happy 2017!