Before you ask, no. I don't pahk tha cah in Hahvahd Yahd, and I most certainly won't recite that for you. You can't even park in Harvard Yard, actually.
Growing up in Mass, you pick up on a few things that most people don't have the chance to in other parts of the country. For example, we're pretty good with not offending people...I'm not kidding, don't ask me about Harvard Yard.
But other than that, there's a whole bunch of things you probably didn't know about us. (Like how everything has a nickname, but we still manage to get around just fine: Commonwealth Avenue? Comm Ave. TD Garden? The Garden. Dunkin Donuts? Dunks. No questions asked.)
Besides knowing how to pronounce 'Leominster' and 'Gloucester' properly, we also know a thing or two about coffee, sports, and just, you know, being generally awesome. (Where else are you raised on the Dropkick Murphys and taught to say "Yankees Suck!" before you can even walk?)
But there are a few things we're exceptionally knowledgeable about that often get overlooked (because of everything else that's pretty awesome about us). Here's a list of ten things I bet you didn't know about the greatest people ever:
1. We're pretty good with Photoshop.
Tom Brady as Captain America? Well, someone had to do it.
2. We give the best directions.
"Take a right at the Dunks, and if you pass a Dunks on your left, you've gone too far."
Oh, and if you don't have to cross a rotary, are you even in Mass?
3. We have the most accurate system of weather reporting that there is.
The weather here is wicked weird, bro.
And we can't forget that time we measured our snow for the season in Gronks.
4. You won't find better drivers than right here in Boston!
Going 90 on the highway and need to change lanes = What's a blinker, anyway?
...Kidding, mom.
5. Some of the most articulate people you'll ever meet are from Boston.
Enough said.
6. We LOVE it when you refer to Boston as "Beantown."
Seriously, it's our favorite.
7. And we love it even more when out-of-staters refer to everything as 'Boston.'
"Oh, you're from Marblehead? That's basically Boston, right?"
No actually, it's basically MARBLEHEAD.
8. We love sports. All of them. Ever.
Except, you know, when we lose, which never even happens!!
And there you have it: a very intelligent, well-organized list of totally true things about Massachusetts and it's residents. I wouldn't argue about it if I were you because you really can't get any more accurate than this.