As it turns out, turning 21 is kind of a big deal. Which as we all know, that is not new news; but until you actually turn 21, you don’t know just how different it is. It’s a big birthday and although we all celebrate in unique ways, it’s agreeable that turning 21 is good time. There are many stages through which you go through as you turn 21 and in the weeks following your birthday.
1. When midnight strikes on the eve of your birthday
And you literally lose your mind because you're finally legal drinking age.
2. And the bartender realizes you were underage until that point
But at that point just pours another birthday shot.
3. When bouncers/waiters think your ID is a fake
Especially if you look as young as I do.
4. When you order your first drink at dinner
And you try to be classy and get wine because wine goes with dinner but your college self just wants a tequila sunrise.
5. And your parents roll their eyes as you drink it with ease
Or glance suspiciously as you gulp it down.
6. When finding a DD suddenly becomes harder
It was one thing when you couldn't go to the bars but now everyone wants to go together and that can't be a thing.
7. And when it’s your turn to be the DD
And you have to deal with all of your drunk friends singing and screaming at 3 a.m.
8. The moment you realize your tiny town actually has a semi decent bar
You were just never allowed in it...
After the hype of turning 21 wears off (but let's be real, does it ever?) you get to become a regular adult. Hopefully you'll have this much excitement when you turn 30...