There is a whole lot of hype around getting married or at least finding “The One” in your twenties. Something draws people to young romance and the ideas of being the “cool mom” who is the “hot mom” when their kids are in high school. This idea has girls all over the country trying to find a man throughout their collegiate years. It seems like a necessity.
Things are not always what they seem. You do not HAVE to get married young. You do not HAVE to have children that early. There are all wants. And to fufill these wants, you give up a whole lot. You give up a list of things you can’t get back.
What’s the rush to settle down? This is the only time in your life it is ALL ABOUT YOU!
Here are a few reasons why it’s GREAT to be single in your twenties:
- Building a career. You’re freshly out of college and you have the opportunity to do anything you want. You can move across the country to pursue a dream job without having to worry about what your partner is going to do or how the relationship will go.
- You can travel. There is no worrying about anyone else’s schedule. You’re busy, you shouldn’t have to accommodate to anyone else’s schedule. You’re going to have to do that for the rest of your lives.
- A time to build friendships. Real friendships. Not just the ones that happen because of proximity either. Friendships that are based on real conversations and experiences. Often times, friendships are neglected because you’re focused on building and maintaining a relationship with your partner. Single you doesn’t have to feel guilty about spending as much time with your friends.
- No sharing. This should be the most selfish time of your life. It is all about you and what you want to do. You don’t have to deal with the dread of sharing a bed, toothpaste, your favorite food, and your cheesecake will remain untouched in the fridge until you’re ready and willing to eat it.
- You save money! No more worrying about buying gifts for all ridiculous holidays or birthdays. You don’t have to send anyone’s mom flowers on Mother’s Day but your own. You can save that money you would have spent and use it on something you’ve always wanted.
- Personal growth. Sometimes in relationships, you tend to worry about their needs rather than your own. Being single, you can figure out what you want in life. Exactly what you want without anyone else’s opinions. This is extremely important for when you actually do end up finding that special someone. You need independent happiness first, and it’s easiest to do this alone.
- You become your own cheerleader. Gain independence and you see exactly what you’re capable of. It’s damn empowering.
- You can do whatever you want. Literally whatever the hell your heart desires. No need to explain your actions. You can go where you want and do what you want at any given moment.
These reasons can mean a lot. But let’s not forget the no shaving, more wine, and endless amounts of guilt free pizza.
You don’t have to be single forever. Just give yourself some time to find you and be YOU. You’ll never get a better time in your life to do so.