8 Myths About Introverts
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8 Myths About Introverts

Spoiler alert: we like to be alone.

8 Myths About Introverts
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There are many different ways to find out if you are an introvert! The following article comes from the perspective of an INFJ-type introvert as characterized by the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator Test.

1. They dislike parties because they're tense and won't put themselves out there.

FALSE. The perspective I hear most often from extroverts is that introverts are shy and tense, and all they need is to "loosen up" and then they'll magically enjoy the experience the way social butterflies do.

Here's the thing: it's not about your attitude going in, it's about your natural disposition, noise tolerance, and your energy levels.

2. Introverts dislike parties because they hate people.

FALSE. Many introverts like or even love people, but in different contexts. Some even like crowds, when it's in situations like an amusement park, or a concert, or a convention, or traveling. However, many introverts feel that parties ignite social anxiety, awkwardness, or feelings of overstimulation. Others find parties, where it is difficult to have meaningful conversations and deep connections, to be to be a weird combination of draining and unendurably boring.

3. Introverts are just depressed extroverts

FALSE. While both introverts and extroverts can suffer from depression, and symptoms of depression can include isolation and exhaustion, the reality is introverts just need time with (and often enjoy!) their own company.

4. Introverts avoid or cancel plans because they're noncommital.

FALSE. More often than not, if an introvert is probably avoiding making concrete plans with you, it’s because they know they'll need to relax after a busy schedule, or because they don't know how they'll be feeling that day and would prefer not to cancel on you later. It's an act of self-care – and maybe, it's also their way of being respectful of you by refusing to make promises they can’t keep.

5. Introverts want to be at home because they never want to do anything.

FALSE. As always, this may be true for some. However, introverts can actually be some of the busiest, most activity-based people you'll ever meet. They just often do activities that aren't in the public, social sphere.

For introverts, not only is it fun to pursue independent activities (reading, drawing, painting, gardening, writing, snuggling with pets, organizing, watching movies, cooking, and so on) --- but that part of the day is seen as desperately-needed recharge time.

6. Introverts are antisocial.

FALSE. Despite memes that paint introverts as get-off-my-lawn misanthropes, the reality is that introversion is exclusively matter of where you get your energy. Someone can be antisocial as well as being an introvert, but not all introverts display antisocial behaviors or misanthropic attitudes.

7. Introversion means shyness.

FALSE. While introverts can certainly be shy or awkward or have any other combination of personality traits, these characteristics do not automatically go together.

8. Introverts hate talking


Many introverts love to talk! They just prefer certain kinds of talking to others. They're people who would might enjoy social experiences in one-on-one meaningful and stimulating conversation, or in quiet familiar company with loved ones, but not so much in impersonal settings where many different people require their attention and energy.

The same brief conversation-hopping experience that extroverts may find energizing and simulating can affect introverts differently, they may find that activity to be exhausting, frustrating, tedious, agonizing, or simply dull and repetitive.

So how can we define introversion?

Introversion means energy is conserved or renewed by spending time alone.

If a child is getting emotional, a parent knows to put them down for a nap. If someone is starting getting a headache, they know to take medicine. If you're falling asleep at work, you take a coffee break and wake yourself up.

If an extrovert gets antsy or even starts to feel down from spending too much time alone, they know to pick up the phone and make plans, or go somewhere where they will run into other people.

Likewise, if an introvert is tired and burn out, they know they need to have some private downtime.

Have you ever needed to run back to your dorm room, or stop at home, so you can plug in your phone for 30 minutes to prevent it from running out of battery later on in the day? Well, every once and a while an introvert needs to stop at home to refuel so they're in a good headspace to tackle the rest of the day.

It's all about the energy, plain and simple. Beyond that, you'll just have to get to know the introvert in your life to figure out how that manifests and what characteristics are true to them!

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