8 Musical Soundtracks Even Theater Haters Will Find Themselves Humming At Random Times During The Day
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8 Musical Soundtracks Even Theater Haters Will Find Themselves Humming At Random Times During The Day

I promise there is more to musicals than jazz hands!

8 Musical Soundtracks Even Theater Haters Will Find Themselves Humming At Random Times During The Day
Sami Newland

Not everyone is into musicals, I get that. And sometimes I can see why; many are overacted with a plethora of jazz hands (even though I still love it). But, that is not a reason to discredit all theater-born music. Many give it a bad rap without realizing how expansive the genre is. Sure, some musicals can be vaudeville-esque, but others can be folksy or funny or even hip-hop heavy. Here are a few examples of musical soundtracks that break away from the traditional chorus line ensemble and will probably find a permanent home on your Spotify:

1. "Once."

"Once" is based on the 2007 movie of the same name. The storyline follows the struggling Dublin-based musician Guy, ready to give up on the dream — until he meets Girl. The songs are powerful and passionate, as the cast also serves as the orchestra, playing the entire folksy score onstage while simultaneously acting. This creates an intimate and unique experience at every live performance. And, whether or not you ever choose to see "Once" live, you know the soundtrack is solid, as "Falling Slowly," written for the movie and reprised in the musical, won Best Original Song at the 80th Academy Awards.

2. "The Book of Mormon."

One, it’s hilarious. Written by the creators of “South Park,” I guarantee you will crack up within the first song, regardless of whether or not you’re into the whole singing instead of speaking thing. Two, the adorably dimwitted Elder Cunningham is played by none other than Josh Gad, AKA Olaf from “Frozen”!!!

3. "Across the Universe."

This is the perfect introduction to musicals for the non-theater frequenter, as you most likely already know all the songs. Composed completely of Beatles songs, the movie musical follows the love story of pre-"Westworld" Evan Rachel Wood and British dreamboat Jim Sturgess in the midst of the Vietnam War. Psychedelic, political and filled with nods to the greatest band of all time, "Across the Universe" has something for everyone.

4. "The Wiz."

It's Diana Ross and Michael Jackson. TBH, nothing else needs to be said.

5. "Rent."

I guarantee you've heard "Seasons of Love" before, and I also guarantee you loved it. The musical tackles the AIDS and HIV epidemic in a Bohemian neighborhood of New York City. Plus, anyone can have the Broadway experience, as the 2005 film of the same name consists of almost the entire original stage cast. And it's amazing.

6. "The Lion King."

One of the most beloved Disney movies of all time, "The Lion King" is an easy way to begin embracing the world of musical theater. Plus, Elton John wrote all the music, so you know it's the jam.

7. "Hamilton."

I know, I know, every person on the planet has told you how sick "Hamilton" is, BUT IT'S BECAUSE IT IS! Lin Manuel Miranda somehow perfectly molded the world of hip-hop and history to make a musical. Plus, hip-hop fans may notice Eminem and Biggie easter eggs brilliantly scattered throughout the soundtrack. Last year I drove almost 900 miles each way just to see this show. If I can do that, you can look it up on Spotify.

8. "Motown."

"Motown" follows the real-life rise of music mogul Berry Gordy and the music acts he helped project into stardom. The soundtrack includes hits from The Jackson 5, Smokey Robinson, The Supremes, The Temptations and Marvin Gaye. It's super dancey and every single track will get stuck in your head — but in a good way.

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