The 8 Emotions Of Math Haters | The Odyssey Online
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The 8 Emotions Of Math Haters

Algebra is the bane of our existence.

The 8 Emotions Of Math Haters

There are two types of people in this world: those who enjoy math, and those who hate it with an intense, fiery passion. I am one who hates it with an intense, fiery passion (lucky me).This hatred dates back to the first grade when multiplication was a taxing post-lunch activity, and bar graphs were a terrifying homework task. The detestation only increased as time progressed and remains a nuisance in my life today.

If math isn't your strong suit, you have probably endured these emotions while attempting to understand the complexity that is Algebra.

1. Confusion

*looks at math test* *has no idea what it's asking*

2. Frustration

I hope my irritation doesn't reflect in my test.

3. Headaches

Hedaches, math gives me headaches.

4. Nervous sweat

Should have reapplied before I came to class.

5. Increased frustration

6. Hopelessness

When the going gets tough, flop on the floor.

7. Defeat

Math feels more like getting hit by a bus than solving an equation.

8. Celebrating when it's over

One day, you'll find out that you don't have to take any more math classes, and that will be one of the best days of your life. So hang in there, fellow math haters, your days of standard deviation and high blood pressure are almost over.

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