72 More Days of School, 108 Days until Bonnaroo | The Odyssey Online
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72 More Days of School, 108 Days until Bonnaroo


Spring break is around the corner, summer is fast approaching, and everyone is pining for sunlit days and tan lines. As we countdown the days to warmer weather and fewer responsibilities, it is practically instinct to get excited about the care-free months that will soon be ours. Summer for me has always meant lazy afternoons at the lake, Coronas by the pool, and music. Limitless hours of live music.

Elton John, Kanye West, Jack White, Lionel Riche, Vampire Weekend, The Avett Brothers, Phoenix, Skrillex, Arctic Monkeys, Frank Ocean, The Flaming Lips, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Neutral Milk Hotel, Wiz Khalifa, The Head and the Heart, Zedd, Broken Bells, Ben Howard, Grouplove, Janelle Monáe, Amos Lee, Cake, Slightly Stoopid, Dr. Dog, Phosphorescent, Washed Out, James Blake, Rudimental, The Wood Brothers, Sarah Jarosz, Vintage Trouble, Valerie June, The Lone Bellow, Caveman, Vance Joy, Lake Street Drive, The Glitch Mob, Warpaint, Seasick Steve, The Naked and Famous, Jake Bugg, The Rapper, John Butler Trio, The Black Lilllies, The Wild Feathers, City and Colour.

These are just small handful of all the outstanding bands lined up to play at Bonnaroo this June. Such a miscellaneous collection of music all congregated on the same farm in Manchester, Tennessee seems almost surreal, and as a result, over 80,000 “Bonnaroovians” come together every year to celebrate the phenomena. More than 150 concerts are compiled into four days of epic performances and adventures with new and old friends alike. This is a place where memories are made and overall feelings of happiness connect everyone who enters the infamous Bonnaroo arch. An obstacle for many future Bonnaroovians is the financial obligation, but don’t stress because there is in fact a way to evade the steep ticket price by becoming part of the volunteer “c’roo.” 

As part of the C’roo you will be granted access to all the concerts for a low admission cost of $0.00. C’roo members either work pre-show, post-show, or during the show, and although they must sacrifice some of their time to work, they are still able to completely engage themselves in the Bonnaroo experience. College students especially should take advantage of c’roo opportunities because student volunteers are eligible to participate in Well Dunn -- a program that awards scholarships, mentorships, internships, and job-placement support for those aspiring to become a part of the entertainment industry.

Music festivals are unlike any other experience you will ever take part in, and Bonnaroo’s unparalleled, care-free atmosphere make it royalty among music festivals in America. The experience of Bonnaroo is comparable to that of CounterPoint, Coachella, SXSW, Governors Ball, Lollapalooza, and plenty more. However, there are also some other smaller but still noteworthy festivals in Georgia, such as the Shaky Knees Music Festival and Party in the Park, that are scheduled to be just as incredible.

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