Sometimes two and a half hours can feel like a century. Here are some thoughts that we have all had during the dreaded block class.
- Okay I can do this! Only two and a half hours of your life
- Someone is sitting in my seat... K
- Guess I'll just sit in the front.
- This powerpoint is 45 Slides… IS THIS A SICK JOKE?!
- Powerpoint is being put on blackboard… hell to the yeuhhh
- Professor: “This will not be on the test, but I am going to go over it anyway” aka time to zone out
- Time check: it had to be at least 30 minutes since I last looked right?
- Only 10 minutes have gone by, seriously?!?!
- Did I just hear my name?
- O gosh
- I did
- What do I do?
- I can’t even pretend to make an intelligent comment
- Ahhh thankfully he just used my name in an example
- Phew… crisis averted
- Alright, here we go. 30 minutes in, only two hours left
- ugh, two hours… so long
- I’m just going to count down to the break
- Forty-five minutes
- Okay, time to pay attention
- Yes, YouTube video
- Yes, computer problems!
- Call tech support, please call tech support!
- YES, professor is calling tech support
- This is going to be at least 30 minutes
- *10 minutes later* tech support arrives
- Hopefully this YouTube video is interesting
- TED Talk, okay, I like TED Talks
- Just zoned out during the TED Talk…
- Hey, I can watch it at home
- What was the name of it?
- Ugh, I don’t even remember...I’m going to have to take the L on this one
- Seriously, now I am going to pay attention.
- Participated! Safe to zone out for at least 5 minutes
- Wow we only have 14 classes this semester… I can do that
- Time check: 10 minutes until break
- Smile and nod just smile and nod
- BREAK…. Let’s see how many texts I have
- ZERO… alrighty then
- K, let’s see any social media updates,emails?
- Good, just a TodayatAU email. Classic.
- Break is over already?! Why can’t every 10 minutes go by this fast.
- This topic is pretty interesting
- Yessss was so into this class discussion that 30 minutes went by
- Time Check: 35 more minutes
- And I still haven’t used my obligatory bathroom break woop woop
- I may have literally just danced.
- This is embarrassing
- Whatever
- I am so hungry ugh
- Definitely eating so much when this class ends
- Notes notes notes
- Wow that flower I just drew next to my notes is so bad
- Time Check: 15 minutes
- Omg we are on slide 44
- We may possibly get out early
- No one ask any questions pleaseee
- Great someone asked a question
- Time Check: 5 minutes
- Countdown begins
- 4 minutes
- 3 minutes
- 2 minutes
- 1 minute
- Okay class is over and professor is still answering this question
- I’m packing up my stuff
- I could have a class after this across campus, they don’t know
- Made it through another block class
- Only 13 more baby