8. "December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night) by The Four Seasons | The Odyssey Online
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10 Time-Tested '70s Tunes To Vibe With on Your Next Road trip

...or to just sing along to on the drive to the grocery store.

10 Time-Tested '70s Tunes To Vibe With on Your Next Road trip

In This Article:

1. "Take It Easy" by Eagles

This 1972 classic by Eagles, perhaps most famous for their 1976 hit "Hotel California", uses rhythmic electric guitar lines complimented by underlying banjo riffs to convey the chill feeling of a road trip through the country. This tune is truly a great reminder to "lighten up while you still can", and is probably one of my personal favorite songs of all time.

I also recommend you give this live 1977 version a listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJvkmjK9fWc

2. "September" by Earth, Wind & Fire

This 1978 song is ridiculously classic, and just never gets old. It's guaranteed that everyone will sing and dance along as soon as the opening notes play. Its classic disco elements and soulful beat and vocals just give off this effortlessly fun funky sound that's perfect to add a ton of energy and positivity to any trip.

Live version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm_9mxZV10U

3. "Listen To The Music" by The Doobie Brothers

From their 1972 album "Toulouse Street", The Doobie Brothers use plenty of vibrant guitar and hearty vocals to deliver a happiness-inducing grassroots performance in "Listen to the Music". The song is reminiscent of a bright, sunny day with all of the window and the top down.

Live version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOTr_4Zs_Us

4. "Sister Golden Hair" by America

Acoustic and electric guitar come together to form a folksy, pop melody in this 1975 tune. As it speeds up into the bridge and once again into the chorus, this song uses tempo and depth to its advantage - it's just an all-around good time.

Live version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3O6kZu5oDQ

5. "Hooked on A Feeling" by Blue Swede

It was a matter of time before I mentioned this 1974 hit. Electric guitar, cowbell and vibrant trumpet make this pop-rock song an endlessly good time. And yes, it was featured in "Guardians of the Galaxy".

This '74 live version has some serious personality and fun flairs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5jkAkm4JmM

6. "Brandy (You're A Fine Girl)" by Looking Glass

Am I allowed to include "Hooked on A Feeling" and not "Brandy"? Another hit repopularized by "Guardians of the Galaxy" in 2014, this 1972 song can absolutely stand on its own merit - its melancholy lyrics contrast perfectly with electric guitar and piano to form a truly wonderful and rather introspective song.

Live version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep7FWnbAaCI

7. "Go All The Way" by Raspberries

This 1972 classic song flows between pop and rock, producing a truly '70s love song with tons of depth and passion. 10/10 highly recommend.

Live version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wT_NpsYdes

8. "December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night) by The Four Seasons

This 1975 song is nostalgia overload. It features three singers from the band - drummer Gerry Polci sings lead vocals, bass player Don Ciccone sings the falsetto part, while the iconic Frankie Valli sings the bridge sections and backing vocals - all over that famous piano melody and invigorating electric guitar.

Check out this live version to see the different voices in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gADRjnsBrz0

"Rocket Man" by Elton John

An undisputed classic, Elton John's 1972 soft rock hit is melancholy yet powerful. With incredible piano, vocals and the synth-like explosion in the chorus, "Rocket Man" is a contemplative tune that's perfect under the starry night sky.

Live version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mlw1wpwojZ0

10. "Easy" by The Commodores

To finish it off, this bittersweet 1977 ballad reminiscent of a nighttime drive (or a "Sunday morning"). Lionel Richie's soulful, smooth R&B-esque vocals overlay the harmonious background vocals and jazzy piano and drums perfectly. When you need a good sad song, or just a calm tune for a chill drive back home, this is it.

Wonderful live version with plenty of sparkly jackets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DSVMDmzCcA

Hopefully these tunes bring some old-fashioned fun to your next journey. :)

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