Motivational quotes follow you around like a second shadow. They bleed into your Facebook feed, pop up as you scroll through Pinterest, and make appearances on every other poster shouting “Don’t Give Up!”, “Be Awesome!”, and “You Can Do It!” We’re constantly promoting words like motivation, inspiration, and happiness but what does it actually mean to be motivated? Why are these things important?
Having motivation essentially is having a goal—or incentive—it is what prompts us to act. Without this momentum, we would simply be stagnant without the drive to grow, learn, or change. There are two types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation comes from within—like completing an activity because you want to— but it can be heavily impacted by mood. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside sources, such as getting paid or receiving praise. But it can be prone to things like procrastination. Some big factors that play into how well you maintain higher levels of motivation are perspective, willpower, excuses, and rewards. A simple change in perspective, the practice of willpower, elimination of excuses, and the implementing of rewards will give your motivation gauge a big boost.
1. Sweat
Daily exercise boosts your energy level, improves your mood, and relieves stress. Studies have shown that physical activity is very effective at reducing fatigue, improving alertness, and concentration. Even just taking a lap around the office or campus can give you the extra energy to push through.
2. Drink Water
Start the day fresh with a glass of water. Don’t worry, you don’t have to skip your coffee, just chug some water first and continue to drink it throughout the entire day. Water is essential for the circulation of proper nutrients through the body. It acts as fuel for your muscles, flushes out toxins, and can help you concentrate, stay refreshed, and stay alert. So bottoms up!
3. Indulge
4. Create a "Top 3" List
5. Read
6. Reflect
7. Sleep
When you get enough sleep you have more energy to both do the things that make you happy as well as the things on your daily checklist. Try to get between seven and nine hours of sleep for optimal energy and motivation. Also try to avoid caffeine and any screen time around bedtime.