It's the season of sundresses, photo booths and witty Instagram hashtags.
Yeah, you know what I'm talking about: Wedding season.
During the months of April, May and June, your schedule may or may not revolve around weddings; your cousin's, your neighbor's, your best friend's dad's uncle. Maybe you're in the bridal party, maybe you're a guest. Either way, you have a good time and can more than likely relate to these truths about wedding season.
1. Not having a date
This goes for life, not just wedding season. The struggle to find a date can be pretty darn real. However, your BFF does make a pretty great plus one -- or your cousin, if the times require desperate messages.
2. Outfit repeating
You can never remember which dress you wore to which wedding, and you would hate to be a wedding outfit repeater.
3. Wedding. Food.
It's not every day you get to eat a five course meal for free. During wedding season, you're guaranteed to stuff your face with incredible food and what could be better than that? I'll just go ahead and tell you the answer: nothing.
4. Wobbling the night away
The wobble, Cha Cha slide and Macarena are just a few of the classics you and your crew get down to during wedding season. You've done the wobble so much that you could do it in your sleep.
5. Taking the bouquet toss extremely seriously
You've been to four weddings in the past month and still haven't managed to catch the bouquet. This time, it is YOURS.
6. Coming down with wedding fever
On the outside you're doing the Cha Cha slide, but on the inside you're making mental notes about your future wedding.
7. Being reminded of your singleness
You start sorting out the details of your imaginary wedding only to remember that you're as single as they get. On the bright side, you caught the bouquet this time so there's some hope there.