It’s that point in the summer, just a few weeks before move-in day for school and I am teetering on the verge of insanity. Not sure if I’m fed up with being at home, working full-time, missing squad or a combination of the three but I’m actually more than ready to go back to school...I NEED to go back to school. These are the thoughts in my conscience at the moment.
1. Why do I have a curfew?
If your parents are like mine then when you move back home for the summer you magically take a trip back in time to when you were in high school. All of a sudden you go from total independence to curfews, phone calls just to “check in,” and a multitude of other rules that are a nuisance. I love my parents but I am ready to be back doing my own thing.
2. Where are my friends?
During the summer I miss the hell out of my college friends, especially the ones that live out of state. Though I do enjoy seeing my home friends that go to different colleges it has been far too long and it is time for the squad to reunite.
3. Schedule me, please.
I function so much better when I have a predetermined day-to-day schedule. I am a creature of habit and I enjoy structure. During the summer I lose that and it makes me feel out of control. I’m a control freak, give it back to me.
4. Can I turn up now?
One of the best things about college is that you can stick to the study grind all week long and then relieve all your stress in the party scene on the weekend. Nothing compares to getting all gussied up with your girls and then dancing away the stress from the week. I need this back.
5. I need to stop eating all day long.
During the summer I find that I spend the majority of my day stuffing my face with food. Mostly because of boredom and free time, I fill the void with snacks. Not good. Like, who puts on weight in the summer? Only me. Time to get back hit the gym again and get on a regular eating schedule.
6. Give me knowledge.
Most people dread school and they would probably be the normal ones. I, however, love learning and am looking forward to getting back in the classroom. I am not ready for the papers, finals, tests, and stress but the gaining of knowledge I’ll take it.
7. Where the boys at?
My dating life certainly goes dormant during the summer and I need it to reawaken. ‘Nuff said.
I am ready to go back to school. Time, please speed yourself along.