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7 Struggles


7 Struggles
Photo by Tammy Turner

Do you have super long hair? If you do, you certainly know it because of all of the times that your super long hair causes you college girl struggles. Whether it's flying out your car window to a scary extent, causing you to look like a human Disney cartoon, making your pillow soggy if you shower before bed (because it takes too longFOREVER to blow dry), feeling angry because of your split ends (because if you want your hair to stay super long, you can't fix split ends by just cutting them off), or if you're constantly finding that most hair accessories are not made to accommodate super long hair, you know it's a struggle. Here's to all of you out there who firmly believe in #longhairdontcare and keep your long locks up despite the sometimes annoying situations it causes.

1. It gets caught on things all the time

I'm so used to the end of my hair getting caught on things. Sometimes, I don't risk putting my ponytail behind me, just to prevent this. Scotch tape somewhere? My hair will likely find it and get stuck to it. A hook on a dress? My hair, which is already in a very neat bun for work or some other purpose, will get caught on the dress hook and I'll need someone else's help to get it unstuck on the hook.

2. It takes flight

If it's windy outside and my hair is down, I feel like I'm going to get blown away to a different city. My hair kind of takes flight and it's like my hair and the wind join forces and fight me. Luckily I'm not so light on my feet that I could ever truly get swept up ad carried off by the wind like a baby bird, but it certainly feels that way sometimes! Also, I often have to make sure my hair is tied back somehow if I'm going to put the window down while I'm driving...otherwise, my hair could blow all over and cause a major accident. Wind-blown hair is not as cute as they make it seem in the movies, I promise.

3. If I wear my hair down, I always end up looking like Rapunzel

This isn't a terrible one, it's just that it means I often have to keep my hair tied up if I want people to take me seriously. Otherwise, it sometimes seems like I'm going for some sort of dramatic look, when I really just have my hair down and parted for the day.

4. If I go to bed with wet hair, I have to cover my pillow with a towel

When you have long, thick hair, your hair is basically a isn't sponge. I know, that's not a cute image, but it's the truth. My favorite ways to combat this issue is the towel head wrap (which, can be a challenge when you have longer-than-average hair, but it does really work) and by using a thick towel, folded in half, on my pillow. This for the most part prevents my pillow from getting soggy. Just remember to grab the towel and hang it up to dry the following day. Oh, and you must put your hair in a bun or tie it up somehow if you have long, thick hair that you're going to sleep on. Prepare for it to be kind of wild when you wake up.

5. Split ends happen

If you cut your hair less frequently as an uber-long haired babe, you need to remember to use oil in your hair when you curl, use hair spray, or straighten it. In many cases, if your hair is anything like mine (wavy as can be), you can even use coconut oil instead of hair spray to help your hair hold the curls/stay straight. I recommend olive oil spray for very tight, hard-to-tame curls (sold w/ the ethnic hair products in stores and very dense), hydrating argan oil for thick, large naturally curly or wavy hair (get the kind sold w/ organic products to avoid chemicals, as argan oil has gone mainstream and some brands are a sham), more light and airy coconut oil (avoid spray-on kind) for extremely wavy hair that needs some rescuing, and the gentle split-end saver, coconut water (Organix) for light waves or damaged straight hair. Using these to protect your long hair is the way to prevent having weirdly frizzy long poufy hair with terrible split ends. This is often the picture people paint of very long hair, but if you treat your hair right, that description won't apply to your hair.

6. It takes forever to dry/straighten/curl/blow dry super-long hair
I often don't blow dry my hair simply due to the fact that it takes literally forever. Of course, there are some things that you can do to speed up the blow drying, but sometimes these solutions aren't so healthy for your hair. When you have long hair, you have to remember that the length of your hair (anything but the roots) is old hair, that is technically, dead. This means that the length of the hair doesn't produce it's own nutrients, instead, it relies on those produced at the scalp of the hair and whatever you put on it. So, if you do like to blow dry/curl/straighten often, you should be using a really good-quality conditioning treatment at least once a week (Aussie 5 Minute Miracle: $ ,CVS or HASK Coconut Oil mask: Price Chopper, $1 for 3-4 wk. packet).

7. Hair accessories never work in your hair

I can't even tell you how often long-haired girls have problems with things that are supposedly made to 'hold the hair'. I never trust packaging that promises this unless it says "good for long, thick hair". If I want to use barrettes, I have to use them only in small sections of my hair. Sometimes, they'll still pop out and break, or stop holding my hair at a random (and likely, unfortunate) time. For bobby pins to work, I buy extra long ones, use them only in tiny sections of hair and make an X with two of them (for what shorter-haired girls can use one for).

Headbands, both the round solid ones and the stretchy ones often fall right off and don't hold my hair back. Hair elastics often break because my hair is very thick and voluminous, so I buy them in bulk in plain black and can't get more than one use out of a cheap one. Clips made to hold all of your hair up never hold all of my hair. There are a few awesome solutions to this issue, including Goody/Revlon hair elastics, Goody hair clip for thick hair (comes in black/brown), or Goody slide-proof elastic headbands. I really wish more companies would take us Rapunzel-haired babes into account when they label the durability of things on packaging/make things.

I think it's really important to remember that your hair is your own, ultimately and if you don't want to cut it once every few months like most people do, that's totally okay. It doesn't make you wierd, or odd. There's actually a lot more women sporting extra-long locks these days. My friends know me as that girl with the very long hair, and have, since high school. I wouldn't cut my hair to a more standard length to please another person. Also, if I did decide to cut it very short, I'd be certain to deep condition it the night before so that it could be healthy for donation. If you're having very-long hair cut, please remember to donate it to charity, as someone who has suffered from a loss of their hair will really appreciate the hair that you'd like to part with. If you don't chemically treat your hair and you give yourself a trim, toss your hair cuttings into the woods somewhere, as they are natural and birds can use this to make nests.

Peace and love to all the very-long-haired girls out there. #longhairdontcare

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