In 2000, America was introduced to one of the greatest shows of all time: "Gilmore Girls." A show about a mother and a daughter's relationship in small town Stars Hollow, Connecticut. We laughed and cried as we watched Rory and Lorelai grow, and we sadly said goodbye after 7 seasons in 2007. After watching endless amounts of rerun episodes on ABC Family, "Gilmore Girls" fans rejoice because a Gilmore Girls reunion is coming! Netflix is doing a "Gilmore Girls Revival" which will be a four 90-minute episode series. Production for the series officially started last week and to count down the anticipated revival here are seven reasons I love Gilmore Girls:
1. All the coffee, so much coffee.
If you ever watched at least one episode, you know that the Gilmores drink an excessive amount of coffee. Throughout the show, we have learned that no one makes better coffee than Luke's and life is too short to drink bad coffee. I also believe that it's not possible for them to be themselves without it.
2. The amount of food Rory and Lorelai inhale.
Again, if you ever watched an episode of Gilmore Girls there is ALWAYS food involved. Rory and Lorelai are the takeout queens of Connecticut and could probably both eat enough for a small village.
3. Speaking of food, the amazing cooking skills of Sookie.
Suki is Lorelai's BFF and an amazing cook. Though I have never actually ate one of her meals I wish I had 'cause they always look delish.
4. Luke
Luke is easily the single handed reason why anyone should watch Gilmore Girls. Mainly because he is gorgeous but also because you will fall in love with his character.
5. And the rest of the boys on the show.
Luke isn't the only good looking guy on the show. From Dean to Jess to Max, the girls have some pretty hot boyfriends.
6. The quirky residents of Stars Hallow.
The residents of Stars Hallow are anything but typical. There's the overbearing and over involved town mayor/supermarket owner Taylor, to the over theatrical dance teacher Miss Patty, to the crazy antique owner Mrs. Kim. And then there's Kirk who is well..just Kirk.
7. Lorelai and Rory are mother and daughter relationship goals.
My love for this show is the relationship Rory and Lorelai have. They are each other's best friends and soul mates. Yes, they do fight and disagree but at the end of the day, they have each other's backs no matter what.