I often hear advice about outfits that you need an accessory that can be used more than once. I enjoy jewelry that is versatile but not in the way that it can match any outfit. Items like the Pandora bracelets and necklaces with multiple items on the chain make the trinket overall more personal and multifaceted. For a gift giving event some years ago, I received one of the best pieces that I currently have and still wear to this day. It is called a Living Locket from Origami Owl. This company involves many designers creating their lines of charms that either are popular objects or important ideas made into icons for a good cause. Most of the time proceeds partially get donated to a foundation or non-profit. Following, I am displaying my locket and charms, along with their meanings!
1. Life is a Gift
The first of two charms outside of the actual locket. I believe life truly is a gift and I have always heard about "the tree of life". Being the environmentalist that I am, I love the idea of the connection between trees and life, along with their sustainability. In general, this piece means a lot to me because I know that I am lucky to wake up every day, that some catastrophic event has not killed me, that I still have lungs that can breathe, and that I was even born. I, like many people, need to be reminded that although life will not be perfect, it is still worth living.
2. A Blue Bead
The second of the two charms, this one is to give the overall accessory some color. It reminds me of elegance and royalty. Plus, every girl needs a little elegance in their life, right? In addition to the other pendant, it balances out the entire look to satisfy my OCD for a symmetric look.
3. Hope
This is by far the largest charm that is inside of the locket. Inscribed is the word hope, which I have needed a lot throughout my life. Just making it through one day is sometimes a challenge. Plus, in my own life, I constantly need hope for my religious life, college life, and even social life. Hope is a strong trait that is a part of my daily life. Even though obstacles may try and push us down, never giving up hope enables us to survive and prosper; to hope and know that things to get better.
4. Turtle
Now this turtle makes me think of the beach. (Where I should be now actually!) This is a common symbol for the ocean and ocean life. Living to hundreds of years old, they encompass wisdom and strength as well. Due to their endangerment for so many years (I believe they are no longer on the endangered species list), I have always wanted to witness one and enjoy the warm environment around the area! It also makes me want to drop everything and take a vacation to somewhere warm and relaxing.
5. Fish
This is the symbol for the Jesus Fish. Besides its literal Christian historic value and importance throughout the Bible, this means a lot to me as well. It is a symbol of my faith and was used in Biblical times as a sign that you were not alone in believing in God. I know what I believe, but I also know that others share that same belief, enabling me to experience life and worship with others who know the tradition as well. The fish fed so many people, the fisherman became the foundation of the Church (Mark 1:17 KJB, Matthew 16:18 KJB), and brought people together despite judgment. All of these prove the symbol's importance and magnificence.
6. Bully Proof
I have always been an advocate of anti-bullying. I have witnessed the effects of bullying through almost every part of my life. No one deserves to go through that mental/physical abuse, which never really disappears anyway. Bullying causes so many suicides and has long-term effects on those who try to live with the damage. I promote anti-bullying in every step of life, and I do not respond calmly to people trying to spread bullying even if it meant to be funny. On the shield, it says "Bully Proof", and I believe wholeheartedly that we need to stand up against bullies.
7. I Love You
This charm has a couple of meanings to me. First, it is the signal for "I love you" in sign language. It is such an important phrase and it means a very great deal to me. I learned from a close friend that even when we can barely move and speak one day, we will still be able to signify that phrase to another person. Just because I may not be able to say it verbally, I will be able to tell a person that I love them through non-verbal language as well. The second meaning to me is my love for Rock and Roll. Of course, if you ask me what genre my favorite music is, I will always say Classic Rock (late 1960s to late 1980s). Now this is a symbol for rocking out at a concert with such high energy and passion! Both are important in my life and deserves to part of my locket.
Combine all of these together and it symbolizes many important factors in my life. This now becomes a piece of jewelry that has been customized to my life, and I get to display that whenever I wear it. As I get to collect more charms, I can change out any of these because my locket can be open, making it one of the most versatile accessories ever.